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The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Students do an assessment on Betty Carlson Bowles, Professor of Nursing, Nov. 16.

Staged “Tornado” tears through Centennial

Cecil Witherspoon, Editor-in-Chief December 15, 2023

Theater students teamed up with students from Gunn College to create a simulated disaster scene in Centennial Hall Friday, Nov. 17. The scene emulated the aftermath of a tornado, with theater students...

Daria Close, assistant nursing professor, holds up the arm of the mannequin as they run through the motions of the adult code on Nov. 8, 2016.

“She truly cared about us, not just as students but personally,” remembering Daria Close

Bridget Reilly, Editor in Chief February 28, 2021

Her battle with breast cancer didn't change Daria Close, assistant professor of nursing's dedication to her students' education and wellbeing. "She really had a passion for teaching," Taylor Butler,...

Respiratory care students to receive an emergency license to work on frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic

Respiratory care students to receive an emergency license to work on frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic

Bridget Reilly, Photography Editor April 21, 2020

Governor of Texas Greg Abbott announced Sunday, April 5 that physician assistants, medical physicists, perfusionists and respiratory care candidates for licensure "who have completed all other requirements...


Nursing students’ course requirements change amid COVID-19 pandemic

Kristin Silva, Chief Editor March 30, 2020

With the increased caution amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order to waive to allow students in their final year of nursing school to meet their clinical objectives by exceeding...


Day in the life of Julia Orozco

Randi Heaton, Reporter April 23, 2019

From 6:45 a.m. weights to 6 p.m. practice with a day full of classes in between, Julia Orozco, nursing sophomore, has minimal free time. Being a part of the women's soccer team and preparing to enter the...

Health sciences construction

Update: Health sciences building construction

March 15, 2019

The new health sciences building is scheduled to be up and running Fall 2019. As of now the third floor will be home to the faculty offices and the second will be dedicated to nursing and respiratory...

The future quad of the Health Science and Human Services building on March 11 after the rain.

Bridwell Hall to be renovated

Clarissa Alvarado, Reporter March 13, 2019

Right now it sits in the shadow of the multi-million-dollar Dillard College of Business Administration building, built in 2006, the new $42 million health science building to be opened in 2020, and the...

Jeffrey Killion, interim dean of Gunn College of Health Science & Human Services, spoke to a group of peers and MSU faculty as a part of the process of applying for the job of Dean of the Gunn College of HSHS, held in Dillard 101, Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018. Photo by Rachel Johnson

Health Science interim dean is up for permanent position

Rachel Johnson January 30, 2018

Jeffrey Killion, interim dean of Gunn College of Health Science & Human Services, stood before his peers in Dillard Room 101, addressing his vision for the department and the goals he has to better...

New Health Science building over budget

Justin Marquart, Design Editor December 20, 2017

The university is using money obtained from a tuition revenue bond, consisting of $58.4 million, to update the campus, a new health science building. Administrators set a budget for this project at...

Part of the building plans for the new health sciences building to be complete by March 2019.

New health sciences building prepares to break ground

Leah Bryce May 4, 2017

As the mass communication building comes to its final stages of construction, MSU prepares to break ground on a new health sciences building. Two years ago, the university was granted the tuition-revenue...

Lynette Watts, assistant radiology professor, Beth Veale, radiology professor, Randy Case, assistant respiratory professor, and Jessyca Wagner, assistant radiology professor, discuss the schedule of the simulation Nov. 8. Photo by Brendan Wynne.

Disciplines work together for ER simulation

Brendan Wynne November 16, 2016

Though hands-on activities are often key components for health science students, very rarely do professors get the opportunity to show students what it’s really like to work in a hectic, hospital environment....

Nursing program: university’s largest

Nursing program: university’s largest

Sabrina Rodriguez December 7, 2015

Economic development | Enrollment | Budget | Nursing | Housing | International enrollment | Crime | Greek life   When walking around the campus, students can be seen eating,...

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