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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Construction inconveniences students

Latoya Fondren, Reporter October 20, 2018

It's 9 a.m. on a sunny, Thursday morning and students are usually in class learning while listening to the soft chirps of birds as they fly across the sky. Instead of a normal morning on campus for students...

Forming new club gave me confidence, opportunity

Mitch Kipp, Columnist April 10, 2018

Seven months ago I never would have imagined where I am now. I wasn't involved in any organizations, but I wanted to join something. I knew Jesse Brown, coordinator of student involvement, was a good...

Pursue liberal arts outside the classroom

The Wichitan February 6, 2018

Much has been said about Midwestern State University being the only public liberal arts institution in Texas, and you may have heard rumblings of the internal efforts to enhance that experience. Arguably,...

It’s time for housing upgrades

The Wichitan March 28, 2017

OUR VIEW: If it's broke, fix it. Legacy Hall, our newest residence hall, opened in August of last year and with it came brand new furniture. It's easily our most contemporary building on campus, and...

Living on campus: tips from a junior

Rachel Johnson August 25, 2016

Welcome to some of the best (and worst) memories you will make. You will have a hate-love relationship with your residence hall room and roommates by the time you leave, but you will never forget the memories...

Deadline to claim on-campus housing this Friday

Jessalyn Castro February 11, 2015

Students who live on campus have until Friday, Feb. 13, to declare where they want to live as part of the "Claim Your Crib" campaign. Freshmen living in Pierce and Killingsworth halls can now apply to...

Major housing changes include new dorm, cafeteria

Ethan Metcalf March 4, 2014

The Board of Regents approved the construction of a new dorm to be completed by August 2016 to facilitate growing freshman class. In addition, an increase in housing will require an expansion of the dining...

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