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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Theatre and english major Rachel Shipley is the Women’s Stand Council Coordinator for MOSAIC.

A woman of many organizations: Rachel Shipley

Thalia Doe, Feature Editor January 28, 2022

Rachel Shipley from Rowlett, Texas said she had a few options when deciding which college she would attend. Wanting to study theatre, Shipley was able to perform her caracal in front of over 200 college...

Sara Henning confesses family secrets through poetry

Peyton Alonzo, Reporter February 1, 2019

Some 40 people attended last night's reading of a collection of poems by Sara Henning, at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art Jan. 31. Henning, an assistant professor of English at Stephen F. Austin...

Edward Collins, psychology freshman, bends backwards in the talent portion of the the 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Caribfest in Akin Auditorium on Sept 28. Photo by Marissa Daley

International students have additional challenges

Andrea Pedon, Reporter May 18, 2018

Àlex Martínez Roca, taps his foot nervously against the airplane carpet floor as he takes his first look out the window of his new home for the next four years. After living in Barcelona, Spain his...

Faculty gives ‘last lecture’ about language

Brian Lang March 20, 2018

Around 35 students gathered in the Legacy Multipurpose Room on March 19 to hear Peter Fields, associate professor of English,  give a lecture as a part of the Last Lecture Series. This series is inspired...

Before you say “You need to know English”

Rachel Johnson February 13, 2018

When I was in the eighth grade, I lived in Mexico for eight months. Later when I was 18, I went to three countries in Europe. In both experiences I had little to no knowledge when it came to their...

Juniors to take Writing Proficiency Exam Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Dominick Haskins September 20, 2016

Students classified as juniors with at least 60 hours, but no more than 90 hours, are making final preparations as they prepare to take the Writing Proficiency Exam Sept. 27 - Oct. 1. The WPE, a university...

Poetry slam at Fuzzy’s Taco Shop March 17

Jared Tuilagi March 17, 2016

The Writing Center staff will be hosting the first poetry slam of the year at Fuzzy’s Taco Shop from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. on March 17 giving students and staff a chance to share different forms of poetry...

Madison Dodd, respiratory therapy freshman, recieves help for Haleigh Wallace, mass communication sophomore, on her essay in Prothro Yeager 201B, "It's my first time coming. I didn't feel confident in my essay and i want a good grade," said Madison. "I really enjoy writing, and helping other students how to write. I want to continue working to help student. I'd love to have a editing," said Haleigh Oct, 21. Photo by Francisco Martinez

Popularity, knowledge increase with new writing center location

Samuel Sutton October 22, 2015

Helping students with writing, giving professors helpful tips for their lectures, and boosting students' confidence-just some of the goals of the Writing Center. Despite staff members willing to help...

Tench Coxe, associate professor of English

Diverse course offering adds depth to education

The Wichitan January 30, 2015

When I started as an associate professor of humanities and English in the fall of 2015, I was excited not only to start teaching film courses again, but also to meet the dynamic faculty and students...

Campus author speaks about debut novel

Brooke Long October 3, 2013

Campus Author Speaks About Debut Novel from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo. For some students, finding the time to read for class can be difficult, but for one 19-year-old sophomore, reading just wasn't...

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