Humans vs Zombies from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo.
To give students a chance to do something fun during the potentially stressful end of the semester, the University Programming Board hosted a two-week-long game of “Humans vs. Zombies,” in mid-April for 180 students.
To identify a person as human or zombie, each participant required to wear a bandanna for the duration of the game.
Tagging is only allowed outside and off limits inside of buildings. The University Programming Board members held missions to lower the human population and increase the zombie’s chance to tag. Bundles of socks were used as a weapon to protect humans from being tagged by zombies. Humans must hide and maneuver in safe places while zombies openly roam campus to tag and infect as much as possible.
“When a human is tagged and turned into a zombie they have an hour of free time. After that hour they can proceed to be a zombie,” Juan Mercado, radiology sophomore, said.
The initial zombie Daniel Le, nursing sophomore, said this would give students a chance to connect and to have fun.
“I wanted to join because of our school population right now. We are lacking some effort from the students to interact with others,” Le said.
And he also gave some advice to participants.
“What makes a good zombie would be you’d have to be ahead of the human you’re trying to tag, you have to be limber and athletic, a little, and you just have to have fun with it, you can’t take it too seriously,” Le said.
This free game of tag was a simple way to have fun but it also served as a way to connect with other students.
“It gave me an opportunity to get more involved on campus because I live off campus. Through the game I’ve met tons of more people.” Tyler Petrillo, business management sophomore, said.