Senior Goodbyes

Mass communication graduate Abigail Jones intends to travel as she pursues her career, 2023. Photo courtesy of Abigail Jones.

Abigail Jones | mass communication graduate

The best thing about college is that it’s a time to try out everything you want to try. No, I don’t mean drugs. I mean futures. You can be a biologist for a semester or a historian for another. I chose to be a journalist, a photographer, a designer, a linguist, an actor, a political scientist and a whole bunch of other things. I have the Wichitan to thank for helping me figure out what I want to be for longer than a semester – a graphic designer. During my journey toward my new future, I made friendships and connections that I hope last forever. I had some wins that give me pride for my hard work. I went through hardships that have taught me more than I’ll need to succeed in life. I’m leaving a department that has my whole heart and soul. Though saying goodbye to the mass comm. edit bays, news room and most of all the people, is sad, I have them to thank for how far I’ve come. Thank you everyone for the love, the inside jokes, the late nights and everything else that I wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for MSU.

Mass communication graduate Colin Stevenson intends to continue pursuing photography and videography in both journalism and fine art, 2023. (Tiffany Haggard)

Colin Stevenson | mass communication graduate

This is it, huh? Four long years at the Wichitan have come and gone, yet it feels like I walked into the office for the first time just yesterday. At the same time, I leave with so much learned and many, many cherished memories. My journey here parallels my college career; I thought I knew everything and got quickly proven wrong. I had to learn about AP, photojournalistic codes of ethics and how to properly manage hundreds of photos without wasting too much time (that last one was very difficult). As I grew, I went up the ranks, from photographer, to chief photographer, all the way to photography editor. I worked alongside and under so many people on that journey, and I am grateful for the feedback and help they gave me. Along the way, I went on trips, covered events I could never have imagined and stayed up countless nights making sure the paper was ready to go. I won’t deny there were some bad moments, but I still loved my job, and I wouldn’t trade my hours for anything. Thank you, everyone.

Marketing graduate Esmeralda Carlos, while appreciating their time at the Wichitan, looks forward to what’s next, 2023. Photo courtesy of Esmeralda Carlos.

Esmeralda Carlos | marketing graduate

Although I have only been a part of the Wichitan for a semester I have gained so much experience and met some amazing people. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in because I had never done anything like this before but all of the members answered any questions I had and made me feel welcomed. I’m so grateful for their support and trust through this semester and I wish I could have joined sooner!

Coming to the Wichitan was always a highlight of my week. I’ve enjoyed spending time with everyone during production nights and at the game night! I’m going to miss the friendships made but I’m excited to see what the future holds for the other graduating seniors and The Wichitan. More than anything I’ll miss beating Cecil in our nerf battles and chess games… 

Editor’s note: Esmy never defeated Cecil in a game of chess