Question of the week: What is food insecurity? and how can MSU help?
What is food insecurity and how can MSU help?

Salad bar options in Mesquite Dining Hall include a colorful pasta salad and corn dish. Jan 22. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Students body defines what they think food insecurity is, and discuss how they believe MSU can help.
Alex Espy, education elementary teaching freshman| “I guess choosing between school and food shouldn’t be an option. I feel like you should have both. You can’t really have a proper education without food. I think [the pantry] is really cool because some people don’t have access to as much money. I think that’s really cool that Midwestern has that.”
Ashley Gonzales, respiratory care sophomore| “I also know that BSM gives out free meals on Wednesday and I know that helps a lot. I think Mustangs for Christ also does free meals. I feel that they should advertise more for students who are struggling.”
Delma Delgado, social work junior| “I think the pantry is a good idea but I don’t like the fact that they limit their resources and also they only limit it to certain amounts of students. It would help out with a lot of students that don’t like the food that is coming out. I don’t think they should limit it to certain amount of students.”
Kyla Budgewater, accounting sophomore| “I was told [food insecurity] means you don’t know where your next meal may come from. MSU can help with that because these meals plans are very high and for some of us who don’t get as much financial aid we have to pay out of pocket for them and we can’t afford that.”
Jamilah Williams, exercise physiology senior| “Food insecurity shouldn’t be a thing, no one should go to sleep on an empty stomach.”
RJ Lopez, finance senior| “It sucks that food insecurity is still a thing but I think MSU is starting to make a few steps in the right direction, with the students help.”
Jose Torres, bilingual education junior | “I feel like food insecurity shouldn’t be a thing, especially because food is a necessity. I feel like [food] should be available for everyone. MSU is taking a few steps in the right direction [such as] the food pantry [and the scholarship.]
Mario Ramirez, interim director of student involvement | “I think it is hard for individuals who don’t have access to resources to find [or think about] where their next meal will come from. If you are distracted on when your next meal is going to be or where you are going to eat for the next hour, you are probably not going to be concentrated on your academics. ”
Emily Ramirez, psychology junior | “DARS actually pays for my meals. The first semester I didn’t have DARS and it was a struggle. I can’t drive so I can’t go get food and I can’t carry my food around. I would have to be spending like $10 a day.”
Eric Koger, associate professor of theater | “I can definitely imagine that students that are needing a little extra assistance, much like scholarships, will be benefiting from this opportunity. Given the size of it maybe this is something that will continue over time.”

Yerasly Duran is a journalist for The Wichitan. She is double majoring in mass communication and English, minoring in public relations and advertising....