An elevator famous for creating trouble from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo.

For the girls of Killingsworth Hall, getting to and from their dorm room is not an easy task due to the outdated elevator. One resident assistant is dealing with the trouble of the elevator.
“I think they keep up maintenance on it pretty well, but it’s an older elevator so unless they replace it completely it’s going to make some noises, but overall I think it’s a pretty good elevator, I mean it’s little bit slow but you make conversation with people,” Sonia Perez, a junior in psychology, said.
For the students that live on the sixth floor, riding the elevator sounds like a much better option to them. But waiting to ride this elevator can take up to several minutes. The students that live on the upper levels aren’t too happy with the condition of their elevator and have made that clear to their RA’s.
“Mainly just that it’s slow and that’s their biggest complaint, especially when they’re running late to class that’s whenever you just run down the stairs but other than that no, it does make a few little noises every now and then but I mean what old elevator doesn’t,” Perez said.
A maintenance update on this elevator is much needed. But it gets the job done for the residents of Killingsworth hall.