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The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Philosophy Club members gather weekly to practice critical thinking

Micah Wilson, Reporter February 27, 2019

Every Thursday night at 5 p.m. Philosophy Club members gather together to discuss anything and everything that involves critical thinking. Centered around philosophical conversation, the members discuss,...

Fred Dietz, candidate for vice president of enrollment management, speaks at the forum interview for the VP position on April 13, 2018 in Dillard 101. Photo by Rachel Johnson

Fred Dietz hired as vice president for enrollment management

Tyler Manning, Editor April 18, 2018

The search for the vice president of enrollment management is over as Suzanne Shipley, university president, announced in a postmaster email on April 19 that the search committee chose Fred Dietz out...

Students fail to utilize opportunities to speak out, be heard

The Wichitan February 20, 2018

OUR VIEW: Faculty and administration offer countless opportunity like critical conversation panels for students to use their voices, talents and perspectives that students fail to utilize. Faculty members...

Pursue liberal arts outside the classroom

The Wichitan February 6, 2018

Much has been said about Midwestern State University being the only public liberal arts institution in Texas, and you may have heard rumblings of the internal efforts to enhance that experience. Arguably,...

Fulfilling our liberal arts mission

The Wichitan February 28, 2017

Dear Editor, As manufacturing jobs continue to disappear, a college degree is increasingly critical to social mobility. Additionally, the university is subject to increased pressures from all directions....

Victoria Estrada

Why liberal arts education is important

The Wichitan February 22, 2017

I attended the Faculty Forum last week, and I found it rather interesting. The panelists and audience discussed the importance of attending a liberal arts university, how to incorporate liberal arts into...

Liberal arts education changes society

Leah Bryce February 1, 2017

A hush fell over the room in Legacy Hall as Todd Giles, associate professor of English, began his introduction of the seven faculty members displayed at the front of the room. Each of these faculty members...

Faculty forum ‘brings clarity to liberal arts identity’

Lane Riggs February 1, 2017

The panel, "Implementing a Liberal Arts Education; Moving from concept to practice," which was held on Jan. 26 in Legacy Hall at 7-9 p.m., is only the second panel hosted on campus to discuss the uniqueness...

Todd Giles, assistant professor of English, answers questions after his lecture in 2014 over banned books on the second floor of Moffett library. Photo by Lauren Roberts

Faculty panel to discuss practice of liberal arts education

Jeromy Stacy December 16, 2016

A panel of seven professors, one from each college, will come together for a discussion titled Implementing a Liberal Arts Education; Moving from concept to practice, in Legacy Hall on Jan. 26 at 7 p.m.Todd...

Rianne Busby, history junior, performs with the colorguard and marching band at the half-time show at Memorial Stadium, Sept. 26. "I loved that the show was a little different, it was alot more family-oriented and engaging with the crowd than our normal show would have been," Busby said. Photo by Rachel Johnson

MSU: Texas’ only public liberal arts school

Jacklyn York June 22, 2016

Passionate ballet dancers aspire to enroll at Julliard. And want-to-be lawyers are attracted to the Harvard appeal.For Midwestern State University, its identity is centered around being the only public...

I didn't pick MSU because it's a liberal arts college

I didn’t pick MSU because it’s a liberal arts college

Lane Riggs September 23, 2015

By this point in time, the meaning of a liberal arts college has been repeatedly forced into one ear, and once this happens, you immediately try to push it back out the other. I get it: you don’t...

The first Faculty Forum of the year, six faculty members talk about, "Valuing the Liberal Arts & Sciences in the 21st Century," in Shawnee Theatre, which more than 160 people attended. Sept, 10. Photo by Francisco Martinez.

200 discuss importance of liberal arts education

Melissa Laussmann September 11, 2015

The first Faculty Forum event earlier this month at Shawnee Theatre greeted a full house. More than 200 students packed the theater to listen to a discussion by panelists from different colleges about...

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