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The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Being involved on campus gives students memories, skills

Sky Barron, Reporter May 2, 2019

 Whether it is joining an organization on campus, pledging for Greek life, or trying out for a position in the band, student involvement is what helps the students gain skill sets for future careers and...

Luz Garcia, nursing sophomore and Daisy Reyes, mass communication sophomore and Samantha Mejia, accounting sophomore talk about OHS at the organization fair that took place before the Empower Me! Summit on Sept. 8.

Organization helps students connect with Hispanic culture.

Yerasly Duran, Reporter October 11, 2018

The Organization of Hispanic Students strives to promote Hispanic culture an campus. Hispanic students make up 16.3 percent of the student body on campus and in this organization, students learn and show...

Arts and Literature Society plans trip to Oklahoma

Shari Smith September 12, 2017

About 25 students gathered in the Fain Atrium for the Art and Literature Society’s meeting on Sept. 11. During the meeting, they discussed ideas for activities for the members to participate in for the...

Mechanical engineering seniors Israel Ezeodum and Chenai Sukume share a laugh just before getting started on their graduation cap designs at Finals Frenzy on May 4, 2017. File photo by Timothy Jones

College is more than going to class

Sarah Graves May 12, 2017

Whether it's joining the Student Government Association or writing for The Wichitan, students can get involved in one or more of the 95 registered groups on OrgSync available on campus. The organizations...

Source: Memo from the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

More than $2.4 million in student fees allocated between 28 groups

Brianna Sheen April 6, 2016

Student Fee Allocations committee members allocated a total of $2,419,142 out of the $2,430,000 in estimated revenue, creating a surplus of $10,858 in the budget.The committee members agreed on the recommended...

Seth Elliot, sophomore in computer science, at Utlimate practice Monday evening on the free play field. Photo by Lauren Roberts

Ultimate: More than pick-up games

Lauren Roberts April 1, 2014

Ultimate combines elements of football, soccer and basketball into one sport and has evolved in the last five years from a series of pick-up games to serious matches with players practicing every Monday...

University President Jesse Rogers speaks to the Student Senate in October. The Student Government Association meets every first and third Tuesday of every month in Bolin at 7 p.m.

Welcome to the club: Education more than just going to class

Blake Muse June 4, 2013
Education is not “just going to class,” according to Matthew Park, associate vice president of Student Affairs. “Education means a lot more that just knowing what they read and learned in the book,” he said. “We want [students] to be responsible human beings who can communicate and who can think, who can work with a group. And some of those areas, I don’t think you necessarily learn in the traditional classroom environment. You can learn those in co-curriculum experiences as well. It’s a positive thing when students get involved, meaning they find something that they are passionate and interested in, and they pursue it.”
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