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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan


Speakers discusses the value of hope

Chloe Phillips and Hunter Tyler January 24, 2019

Bigotry, picket signs and social media that brought a change of mind. Megan Phelps-Roper, former member of Westboro Baptist Church, kicked off the Artist-Lecture Series for the spring semester. Phelps-Roper...


Crazy guy from Pittsburgh seeks millionaires

William Schultz, Reporter October 5, 2018

As the second speaker in the Artist-Lecture Series this year, Bill Strickland flew in from Pittsburgh to educate the Wichita Falls Community how his Bidwell Training Center model can uplift disadvantaged...

Becky Hammon, San Antonio Spurs assistant coach, speaks of her basketball story during the Artist Lecture Series Event at Akin Auditorim on Thursday Sep. 6, 2018.

Becky Hammon opens Artist-Lecture Series

Chloe Phillips, Reporter September 7, 2018

A woman in a beige blazer approaches the podium in Akin Auditorium. She knows what it's like to be overlooked when you've tried your best, traveling far away from home, and to have your love for your country...

Artist Lecture Series to feature Eva Mozes Kor

Judelle Tyson September 20, 2017

Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor will share her message of forgiveness and determination in the face of adversity during the first staging of the Artist-Lecture Series in the Akin Auditorium on Sept. 21...

Dan Twiford and Vince Romanelli perform as rePercussion in the Akin Auditorium on recycled pots and pans. Jan 19th. Photo by Bridget Reilly

Artist-Lecture Series concludes with rePercussion

Caleb Martin January 25, 2017

More than 50 guests came to experience the last Artist-Lecture Series an audience-involved musical performance by rePercussion, a progressive percussion duo most known for their high-energy rhythm and...

Walter Echo-Hawk discusses issues such as the Dakota Pipeline on Nov. 15. Photo by Topher G. McGehee

Walter Echo-Hawk educates audience on Native American issues

Caleb Sneath November 16, 2016

Walter Echo-Hawk spoke before an audience in Akin Auditorium Tuesday, Nov. 13, about cultural sovereignty and the various issues facing Native Americans today. "Each of these tribes have a cultural sovereignty...

Emily LaBeff, sociology professor, reads one of Kip Fulbeck's Hapa Project gallery photos in the Juanita Harvey Art Gallery on Nov. 11. Photo by Bridget Reilly

Kip Fulbeck brings photographs to art gallery for Artist-Lecture series

Caleb Sneath November 16, 2016

Dozens of photographs of self-proclaimed “hapas” gaze upon visitors of the art gallery ever since artist-lecture speaker Kip Fulbeck brought his exhibit upon the “Hapa Project” Nov. 11.“It's...

Kip Fulbeck to follow RJ Mitte in Artist Lecture Series

Caleb Sneath November 8, 2016

Kip Fulbeck, swimmer, artist, teacher, and mixed-race identity advocate, will be the next speaker in the Artist Lecture Series on Nov. 11.“I like his work. I think it's interesting," Britnee Burleson,...

At the second Artist-Lecture Series, R.J. Mitte speaks to students at the Akin Auditorium on the importance of tackling fears, combatting bullying and the stigma behind disabilities, Oct 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly

Breaking Bad star speaks to 200

Yareli Lora October 18, 2016

As part of his self- proclaimed mission to educate students about living with disability, bullying, and taking risks, Breaking Bad actor RJ Mitte spoke last night as part of the Artist-Lecture Series in...

Scott Parazynski, astronaut and medical doctor, gives a lecture as part of the Artist-Lecture series on Sept. 27. Photo by Izziel Latour

Former astronaut, Scott Parazynski, speaks to a crowd of 325

Jacklyn York September 28, 2016

Few seats were empty Tuesday night in Akin Auditorium as former astronaut Scott Parazynski spoke as part of the Artist-Lecture series. "When we go to extraordinary, extreme places on and off the planet,...

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku tells a joke to the audience at Akin Auditorium for the last Artist-Lecture Series speaker April 12. Photo by Kayla White.

Artist-Lecture Series concludes with Kaku

Dylan Pembroke April 13, 2016

The Artist-Lecture Series concluded for this semester with Michio Kaku, who is best known for his numerous television programs such as Through the Wormhole and How the Universe Works. He is also widely...

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