Hate speech has no place on our campus

The original Africana Philosophy flyer posted in Prothro Yeager Nov. 1.
We believe hate speech has no place on our campus.
There was a case of defacement of a campus poster advertising a multicultural studies class called Africana Philosophy Thursday Nov. 1. A racial and derogatory slur was written on the flyer, crumpled up and placed on the ground in front of the professor who will be teaching the course’s office. It is not believed to be a student, however, if it is, there will be repercussions for that student.
The Wichitan staff believes the university should be a safe place for all races, ethnicities, genders and religions. This campus has a unique and diverse demographic and we would like to shape a more inclusive society and celebrate the diversity of our campus. We hope for this campus to be as safe as possible. For the university to continue being a safe place for all backgrounds, our campus should be open-minded and accepting of all differences, be it skin color or faith.
Hate speech not only harms those it is intended for it, but it also hurts the community surrounding it by creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment. While we can not be protected from every incident of racial or emotional violence, we do expect there to be some level of protection against acts such actions as this.
Not only is this destruction and vandalization of school property, but this is an unnecessary act of hate on our campus. We won’t stand by and let this go silently rather speak up for and defend our fellow students.