Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, conducts the Wind Ensemble during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditorium, Nov. 20. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Hiding from Jack Frost, students, faculty and families took shelter in Akin Auditorium where the band members filled the air with festive music.
Matthew Luttrell, associate professor of music, officially started the concert slightly past 7 p.m. Addressing the crowd of around 300, Luttrell said junior high schools joined the Wind Ensemble on “White Christmas.”
“We love to do it [concerts],” Luttrell said. “The more we can, do the better. Performing is the life blood of musicians; performing is what we live for.”
The Wind Ensmble played well-known songs like “Let it Snow,” “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer,” “Silver Bells” and many more.
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“It’s unnerving,” Bryan Pham, violinist and nursing sophomore said. “But when we play it brings joy to people and that helps me play.”
Luttrell said the tradition of Fantasy of Lights concert has been around for 15 to 20 years and has been changed over time to include more of the band. The concert gives the band a more professional look at what it would be like as a professional musician. Prosper Kaseke, saxophone player and music education senior, said this concert has a casual festive feel to it, but still has a professional feel in how they played.
“It’s an amazing experience. We get to express ourselves,” Kaseke said. “And how the crowd responded was just amazing.”
The concert ended with Luttrell inviting the crowd to join in on the last song which involved a clap that the audience and band would do together. The auditorium was filled with music, clapping, giggling and the small whispers of singers singing along.
“It’s a family concert,” Luttrell said. “I love the fact that people bring their children here.”
Suzanne Shipley, university president, address the guest during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Suzanne Shipley, university president, address the guest during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Suzanne Shipley, university president, address the guest during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Santa, Woodrow Gossom County Judge, and Bill Thacker at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Santa, Woodrow Gossom County Judge, and Bill Thacker at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Santa, Woodrow Gossom County Judge, and Bill Thacker at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Santa Clause comes out to greet the kids at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Santa Clause comes out to greet the kids at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Santa Clause comes out to greet the kids at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Adilai McCurley, attendee, sits on Santa Claus' lap who was played by Woodrow Gossom Jr., Wichita Falls County Judge, who was playing Santa, during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Ceremony. "[Adilai] is from Lake Dallas, and they were so excited to be here. This was our first time going and we will definitely have to come back again," Kristi Whyrick, Adilai's grandmother, said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Adilai McCurley, attendee, sits on Santa Claus' lap who was played by Woodrow Gossom Jr., Wichita Falls County Judge, who was playing Santa, during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Ceremony. "[Adilai] is from Lake Dallas, and they were so excited to be here. This was our first time going and we will definitely have to come back again," Kristi Whyrick, Adilai's grandmother, said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Adilai McCurley, attendee, sits on Santa Claus' lap who was played by Woodrow Gossom Jr., Wichita Falls County Judge, who was playing Santa, during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Ceremony. "[Adilai] is from Lake Dallas, and they were so excited to be here. This was our first time going and we will definitely have to come back again," Kristi Whyrick, Adilai's grandmother, said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Mark Robinson and Jessica Hulett, mass communication and theater secratery, look at the attractions at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Mark Robinson and Jessica Hulett, mass communication and theater secratery, look at the attractions at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Mark Robinson and Jessica Hulett, mass communication and theater secratery, look at the attractions at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Michelle Chavez, music secretary, poses at the Holiday in the Falls picture frame at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Michelle Chavez, music secretary, poses at the Holiday in the Falls picture frame at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Michelle Chavez, music secretary, poses at the Holiday in the Falls picture frame at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Norma Ramirez, assistant director of residence life, and Patricia Ramirez, bilingual education , at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Norma Ramirez, assistant director of residence life, and Patricia Ramirez, bilingual education , at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Norma Ramirez, assistant director of residence life, and Patricia Ramirez, bilingual education , at the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights on the front lawn of the Hardin Building on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Justin Marquart
Kids shout Santa Cluase's name until he comes out at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Kids shout Santa Cluase's name until he comes out at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Kids shout Santa Cluase's name until he comes out at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
The Hardin building lights up as the kids gather to sit on Santa's lap at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
The Hardin building lights up as the kids gather to sit on Santa's lap at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
The Hardin building lights up as the kids gather to sit on Santa's lap at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Paul and Blake Benson and their children, Simon Nora and Hugh attend their first year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Paul and Blake Benson and their children, Simon Nora and Hugh attend their first year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Paul and Blake Benson and their children, Simon Nora and Hugh attend their first year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Lucretia Taylor, MSU alumni, Hannah Taylor, accounting grad student attend their twentieth year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Lucretia Taylor, MSU alumni, Hannah Taylor, accounting grad student attend their twentieth year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Lucretia Taylor, MSU alumni, Hannah Taylor, accounting grad student attend their twentieth year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Anthony and Stephanie Patterson and their son Elijah attend their second year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Anthony and Stephanie Patterson and their son Elijah attend their second year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Anthony and Stephanie Patterson and their son Elijah attend their second year at the MSU- Burns Fantasy of Lights in the front lawn of the Hardin building on Nov. 20, 2017. photo by Shea James
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Attendees walk around looking at the displays during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Carina Peterson, radiology sophomore, takes pictures of the different lights and scenes set up at the opening ceremony of MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. "I was walking around [campus] earlier and I thought it would be really nice to see this and I'm also here to see the Wind Ensemble," Peterson said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Carina Peterson, radiology sophomore, takes pictures of the different lights and scenes set up at the opening ceremony of MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. "I was walking around [campus] earlier and I thought it would be really nice to see this and I'm also here to see the Wind Ensemble," Peterson said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Carina Peterson, radiology sophomore, takes pictures of the different lights and scenes set up at the opening ceremony of MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. "I was walking around [campus] earlier and I thought it would be really nice to see this and I'm also here to see the Wind Ensemble," Peterson said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Destiny Herd, special needs education freshman, and Rachael Stagner, radiology freshman, get their picture taken infront of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights infront of the Hardin Building On Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Destiny Herd, special needs education freshman, and Rachael Stagner, radiology freshman, get their picture taken infront of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights infront of the Hardin Building On Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Destiny Herd, special needs education freshman, and Rachael Stagner, radiology freshman, get their picture taken infront of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights infront of the Hardin Building On Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Ben Franklin Elementry Choir preforms during the MSU Burns Fantasy of Lights Opening Night at Akin Auditorium, Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Francisco Martinez
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The Wind Ensemble performs a varety of Christmas songs at the end of the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceromony in Akin Auditorium Monday, Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, conducts the MSU Wind Ensemble during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, conducts the MSU Wind Ensemble during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, conducts the MSU Wind Ensemble during the MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, talks about upcoming music events after the Wind Ensemble performance of Christmas songs at MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, talks about upcoming music events after the Wind Ensemble performance of Christmas songs at MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Matthew Luttrell, associate music professor, talks about upcoming music events after the Wind Ensemble performance of Christmas songs at MSU-Burns Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony in the Akin Auditroium, Monday Nov. 20, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson