From bodybuilding to school work to making YouTube videos for the world to see, Avery Whaite, mass communication senior, said he sees his lifestyle as a passion that will help build his future. With “stress” up to his shoulders, Whaite goes to the gym to escape that mentality. He said he enjoys getting stories, gathering footage and editing content not only for others, but himself, as well.
“It gave me more confidence and knowledge that I didn’t expect to gain,” Whaite said.
Whaite said he never expected to attain such confidence from working out while also realizing he could implement his passion into his major, and ultimately YouTube. He said he needed to make a change after being referred to as the “chunky kid,” and having issues with how he was treated throughout junior high and some of high school.
Whaite attended S.H. Rider High School where he decided to start his journey with working out. Whaite played football for the Raiders all four years which, according to him, helped out the most with his weight loss. It wasn’t until his last year of high school that he committed himself to fitness and wellness.
“It’s something I’ve wanted to do for awhile,” Whaite said. “I just never got around to doing it [his YouTube career] until now.”
Whaite said he had no reason of waiting until now, but he enjoys implementing his skills with capturing and editing footage for the public eye. Since his first video two weeks ago, Whaite has posted three other videos on his YouTube channel, AvesFitness. All the videos are vlogs with a workout to follow. He reached 43 subscribers within the first week, a number that he says he hopes to see grow as he shares his videos through social media.