It’s that time of the year when students, faculty, and staff begin to experience a runny nose, feeling achy, and begin coughing. Students can even begin to notice other classmates sniffling, coughing and bringing tissues with them to class.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza viruses are spread from person to person through physical contact. Respiratory secretions and bodily fluids are also another way to spread influenza viruses and can be potentially infectious.
Annabelle Wright, French junior, said, “I have already talked to some people that currently have bronchitis and even one with the flu already, and In early October I noted several people were already sick in one of my lecture class.”
Wright takes a couple of precautions to ensure that she does not get sick by staying away from people who are already sick and properly washing her hands. Wright also stays aware of all the common places that she touches such as door knobs, door handles, and light switches.
“You don’t know where peoples hands have been, and frankly I don’t want to think about it”, Wright said.
According to the CDC, the symptoms of an influenza virus can include, severe aches in muscles and joints, pain and tiredness around the eyes, weakness or extreme fatigue, headache, dry cough, sore throat, and runny nose.
Lauren Pineda, psychology senior, said, “In general I get pretty sick because I don’t get enough sleep, so during this time around, I’m usually always sick even though I try to my best to take precautions by always washing my hands and to try to be aware of who is sick and who isn’t. Its hard to get things done when your sick.”
There are different types of influenza viruses; seasonal, avian, swine, pandemic, and other.
According to the CDC, there are precautions to take to avoid contracting
- Avoid close contact
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cover your mouth and nose
- Wash your hands frequently
- Avoid touching your nose and mouth
- Practice other good health habits
Travis Taylor, mechanical engineering senior, said, “I rarely take precautions or get flu vaccinations. I rarely get sick, my immune system is a well oiled machine.”
Although U.S. flu activity is low, the CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine.Vaccination protection takes two weeks to set in.
- Where: the Vinson Health Center
- Cost: Free for students
- When: Schedule an appointment; Nov. 11 from 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and then again on Nov.16 from 1:30p.m.-3:30 p.m.
- Notes: Bring student ID