The sun began to set on the second of four events being held during the University Programming Board as part of Stampede Week, which included multiple events to encourage students to get out of their rooms and interact with other people. UPB’s first event was a tie-dye shirt workshop where students could bring their own white T-shirt and use the university provided dyes. The activity took place with virtually no issues until an hour into the event, when they had run out of dye for the shirts due to four students using too much dye near the beginning of the night.

“I was very stressed out because we have more T-shirts than we did dye, so we were running around trying to make sure we have enough dye for everybody and I didn’t think it was going to last until the end,” Kenadi Campbell, computer science junior, said. “I did say ‘while supplies last.’”
Regardless of UPB dye issue, students were still able to enjoy themselves.
“It’s fun. I like all the activities that they’re doing like every day,” Brittany Williams, English sophomore, said. “[Tie-dye] was messy but certainly my favorite.”
That same evening, UPB held a bingo game in Comanche Hall. The room was full of students, each one on edge with every new number being drawn. As there is a calm before a storm, there too is a calm before someone wins a round of bingo.
Students stared at their bingo boards with fierce anticipation until O66 was called, and pre-med sophomore Zaquera Wallace called bingo over the rest of the students. Students went up to the bingo judges, asking in desperation if they had called other numbers that would have allowed them a bingo. Wallace walked up to the judge’s table, a large smile on her face and her winning card in hand, as she presented the judges with her bingo card. The room was beginning to get quieter until Wallace walked over and chose the very coveted lounge chair as her prize. The room went into an uproar as angry and jealous students swore up and down about how much they wanted her chair.
“I’m pretty happy about it. I’ve never won anything so to win the biggest prize is pretty cool,” Wallace said. “I didn’t think I would win anything but I was hopeful I’d win something.”
While some students came to win laundry detergent or a new lounge chair, some came just to be with friends and enjoy themselves.
“My friend RJ convinced me to come. So I figured ‘why not?’ It looks like fun,” Jose Torres, bilingual education sophomore, said.
Sept. 3, UPB held a block party complete with human bowling, bungee trampoline jumping, a blow-up boot camp obstacle course, a photo booth, complimentary steaks and hotdogs and much more for all the students to enjoy and wrap up Stampede Week.
While students stood in lines for stuffed emojis, custom decorated cups and street signs, one student was taking advantage of the short lines at the surrounding activities.
Elizabeth Corriere, athletic freshman, hopped onto the V5 Ultimate Bungee ride and smiled as she did a number of flips and twirls in the air.
“I saw [the V5 Ultimate Bungee] and wanted to do it. It was a lot of fun,” Corriere said.