Members of Kappa Delta Chi, the Residence Hall Association and the University Programing Board are hosting Finals Frenzy May 5 from 5-10 p.m. at the Jesse Rogers Promenade in front of the residence halls.
Starting at 5 p.m., students will host carnival games provide free food and a finals booth with free supplies for finals. At 9:30 p.m. the student organizations will host a free late-night breakfast followed by the showing of Ride Along 2.
MARIO RAMIREZ, UPB activities coordinator | “Finals Frenzy is thrown every Thursday before finals week. This spring is a carnival theme. We will have everything you will see at an everyday carnival such as: games, bounce houses, a photo booth and even carnival food such as fried Oreos and funnel cakes.”
AMBER GARCIA, biology freshman | “It allows students to unwind during a stressful time of the year and to meet some new people. I was hoping for more stress dogs but this will be fun too, I am sure of it.”
MEAGAN EASON, athletic training junior | “I haven’t been able to see Ride Along 2 yet so I’m pretty excited for that. It’s free so that makes it even better. Also it gives us a good reason to procrastinate just a little longer.”
SHELBY REYNOLDS, pre-med junior | “Food! I’ll have a good reason to stress eat funnel cakes. I also plan on enjoying some late night breakfast.”
JESSICA GUEST, radiology sophomore | ” If I can get ahold of some free Scantrons and Blue Books it’ll be a successful outing, and I loved both Ride Along movies, so why not enjoy it again.”
MERLINA LOPEZ, nursing junior | “I like that the university is helping us by giving us time to unwind in a safer manner and take a little mental break from everything.”