Student Fee Allocations committee members allocated a total of $2,419,142 out of the $2,430,000 in estimated revenue, creating a surplus of $10,858 in the budget.
The committee members agreed on the recommended budget for the 2017 fiscal year, beginning Sept. 1, 2016 and ending Aug. 31, 2017, at a Mach 4 meeting in the J.S. Bridwell Boardroom in Hardin, according to Keith Lamb, vice president of student affairs and enrollment management.
The biggest budget increases went to the student services fee reserve, up 50 percent to $15,000; ultimate club, up 54 percent to $3,070; and the social media department up 40 percent to $7,000.
Other notable increases include the Counseling Center with an increase of $61,206, recreational sports with an increase of $28,830, student development with an increase of $49,546, and the Student Government Association with in increase of $10,000.
Rugby club, with a budget of $5,000, and the department of equity, inclusion and multicultural affairs with a budget of $47,500, were new line items in the 2017 fiscal year recommended budget.
Some groups received a one-time allocation from the reserve. Voices magazine will get $1,500 for an iMac, the Wichitan will get $10,000 for furniture in the new mass communication building, the post office will get $65,000 for new parcel lockers, and the rugby club will get $5,000 for new goal posts.
No organizations received budget decreases and 14 groups received no changes in their budget: the Artist-Lecture Series, the cheerleaders, Convocation and Welcome Week, Family Day, Honors Banquet, music, New Student Orientation, Steel Pan Ensemble and Winterguard, student identification cards and student handbooks, the Student Success Series, the University Programming Board, Voices magazine, Wai-Kun yearbook, and the Wichitan.