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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

OcTubafest kicks off Thursday on steps of Akin Auditorium

Nick Lanier, Reporter October 9, 2018

Enjoy brass music while tasting German cuisine at OcTubafest this Thursday on the steps of Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. "The previous concert was inside last year. This time, weather permitting,...

OcTubaFest adds new spin to Oktoberfest

Tre’ Jones November 1, 2017

The Low Brass Ensemble players participated in the first OcTubaFest performance in Akin Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 30. Christopher Vivio, assistant professor of music, said this clever name is a play on...

Low-brass ensemble performs at first Octubafest

Brittany Hill, Reporter November 1, 2017

The Department of Music introduced the first Octubafest performed by the Low Brass Ensemble to an audience of 50 people in Akin Auditorium Oct. 30. Christopher Vivio, ensemble conductor, said, "This...

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