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The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

"A slow suicide"

“A slow suicide”

Whitney O’Brien, Columnist January 29, 2021

*Columns are the opinions of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Wichitan as an organization.* I remember the first time I began to lose weight without trying. I...

Mental health should be priority, not backseat to other means

The Wichitan November 7, 2017

OUR VIEW: To more effectively serve students and dismantle the stigma that surround mental illness, the counseling center needs a larger budget. Just this week, this nation saw the devastating affects...

Teresa Lopez, 2015 graduate, Logan Canafax, 2017 graduate, Jessica Cartwright, executive director of National Alliance of Mental Illness, Kenneth Shanks and Jamie Gardner, 2017 graduates, at the Gray Matters exhibit on Oct. 7. Photo by Jeri Moore

Alumni showcased in local art exhibit

Jeri Moore October 11, 2017

On Oct. 7, an art exhibition titled Gray Matters transformed 9th Street Studio. Organized by National Alliance of Mental Illness members, their intention was to bring awareness of mental health issues...

Social Work minor student: ‘Happy Endings Can Come From Struggles’

Herbert McCullough, Reporter October 7, 2017

On Oct. 6, the Social Workers Action Together and the MSU branch of Phi Alpha National Social Work Honors Society hosted a screening of the movie The Silver Linings Playbook. Lea Ann Reyes, social work...

SWAT: Battling stress one game at a time

Tyler Manning October 5, 2017

To give students an opportunity to relax and have a healthy break from stress, Social Workers Acting Together hosted a karaoke and game night on the third floor of Sundance Court Apartments on Oct. 5. SWAT...

Arianna Davis

Stop the stigma, start listening

Arianna Davis April 19, 2017

“I feel so depressed.” You’re just being sad or more upset at a certain circumstance. Usually overreacting. “No big deal,” they say. “Everyone gets depressed.” Just don’t be so...

Don’t push mental illness under the rug

The Wichitan April 13, 2016

Our opinion: Take mental health as seriously as physical health. The repercussions mental illnesses like anxiety disorders or depression can have just as big of an impact on someone's quality of life as...

It’s not all in your head

Kara McIntyre November 11, 2015

I've had depression since I was in middle school, so I've become almost a professional at dealing with the waves of emotion it brings (kind of morbid, I know). But this semester, it got to the point where...

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