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The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

RuthAnn Ross, Gowrimeera Visvanathan, and Kareen Latouche, health administration graduate students, speaking with Zukweiler about their major, and their future after school. Picture by Jeanette Perry

Vision of growth: a priority for the new graduate dean

Jeanette Perry September 20, 2016

Kathryn Zuckweiler isn't new to Texas, having received her master's degree in Houston.And she isn't new to farm country having worked in rural Nebraska.And she loves her — Australian shepherds, Jacob...

Social media: beyond the dark side

Thomas Goad April 7, 2016

With literally hundreds of outlets — from Twitter to Facebook to YouTube to Instagram college students and officials have found social media as a new way to broadcast, advertise and connect.However,...

Jasmine Jones

Guest Column: Graduate schools aren’t one size fits all

The Wichitan May 22, 2015

When I graduated  last year with my bachelors of arts in mass communication and political science, I had no plan. I wanted to catch a breath and relax after juggling school, a full-time job and my philanthropy...

Geoscience students support petroleum graduate school

Haleigh Wallace March 26, 2015

As part of a new graduate program starting this fall, geoscience students will be able to receive their master’s degree in petroleum engineering. Devin Colley, geoscience senior said, “Other geoscience...

Logan Spidell, senior in criminal justice, and Preston Franks, senior in phycology, attended the Graduate School Open House information night that was held in Dillard College of Business Administration, room 189, on Feb. 25. Spidell said, “My advisor suggested me to come to get more information about how the university could help me choose my career pathway.” Franks said, “I think being a forensic physiologist for the FBI would be pretty cool but I am still open for other options.”

Graduate school open house succeeds

yasmin persaud February 25, 2014

An open house for the graduate program commenced Feb 25. at the Dillard College of Business and Administration. The purpose of this event is to attract students hoping to further their studies at MSU...

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