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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

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The Student News Site of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan

Police Chief Patrick Coggins discusses campus carry at the first SGA meeting Oct. 4. Photo by Izziel Latour

Students: campus carry goes unnoticed

Caleb Martin May 11, 2017

The gun totin', gun slingin', rootin' tootin' state of Texas is often associated with "the old west" and middle-of-the-street-high-noon shoot outs. Guns are as much a part of Texas culture as brisket,...

Christopher Cruz, theater performance sophomore, and Maria Isabel Pena, political science junior, talk with each other at the student government meeting Oct. 4. Photo by Izziel Latour

Student senators discuss campus carry at first meeting

Jeromy Stacy October 5, 2016

The first Student Government Association meeting of the semester was held Tuesday on Oct. 4, starting with guest speaker and Chief of Police Patrick Coggins.Coggins spoke about the new campus carry law...

Brent Wallace, North Central Texas College president, discusses expansion with NCTC in Flower Mound during the board of regents meeting Aug. 4. University President Suzanne Shipley said the benefits outweigh the costs when it comes to expanding.

Campus Carry a reality at MSU

Dewey Cooper August 17, 2016

At its regular meeting on Aug. 4, the Board of Regents approved the campus carry policy, a policy which still continues to bring mixed reactions from those on campus.“Our safety is a priority,” Lauren...

Laura Fidelie, chair, Campus Carry Task Force

Students divided by Campus Carry legislation

conner wolf May 4, 2016

Students divided over Campus Carry legislation from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo.“It was kind of inevitable because this is Texas. I grew up around guns, so it doesn’t really bother me or concern me....

Guns should be allowed everywhere on campus

The Wichitan November 4, 2015

OUR OPINION: With the implementation of Senate Bill 11, campus wide access to guns is important and necessary.   As the Constitution states in the Second Amendment: "The right of the people to keep...

Laura Fidelie, criminal justice associate professor, opens the Campus Carry Public Forum discussion where concerned citizens could speak about what they thought on the topic, it was held in Dillard 100, Nov. 2. Photo by Bradley Wilson

15 students discuss guns on campus at forum

Jacob Smith November 3, 2015

The Campus Carry Task Force held its first, and only, public forum Nov. 2 to discuss plans for the Campus Carry Law passed in the last Texas legislative session. Laura Fidelie, chair of the task...

Task force to draft Campus Carry policy

Jacob Smith September 30, 2015

The stereotypical picture of the Wild West wouldn't be complete without the gun-totin’ outlaw.To say that the Second Amendment is considered a basic right in West Texas would be considered an understatement.And...

Campus carry soon to be reality

Brianna Sheen June 17, 2015

Governor Greg Abbott signed two bills June 13, the first allowing licensed holders to openly carry their firearms in most public places and the second, Senate Bill 11, allowing licensed holders to carry...

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