The second of three candidates for university president spoke Feb 25. to a crowd of a dozen students at the student forum Comanche Suites located in the Clark Student Center. Andrew Rogerson, provost of Sonoma State University in California, spoke on why he chose MSU and what he could add to the university.
“First and foremost, let me be very clear: For a university to succeed in the future, it must be student centered. All decisions should be based on the simple question: Will this benefit the students?” Rogerson said.
Rogerson continued, talking about the qualities the new president must have.
“This new president needs to be a change agent, one who can make MSU the preferred destination campus in Texas, and improve all opportunities for students here at this university,” Rogerson said.
Casey Hansard, sociology junior, said every student should be attending the forums during the presidential search.
“This is the time for any student with questions or concerns to get them answered. Students may not realize it now, but having a new president is going to affect everyone associated with the university,” Hansard said. “I think that’s pretty big.”
Hansard said he’d definitely be attending.
“I feel like I’m obligated to because I am a part of this university and I pay to go here. My biggest concerns with the new president are dealing with tuition,” Hansard said.
Rogerson said his steady rise from teaching to administration would help him if chosen, but he said it also confirmed his desire to make broader changes that affect entire universities and not just the classroom.
“When you’re a dean of a school of science, for instance, you really control the whole vision for the school. You work with all the faculty and you’re a key member in how that school moves forward,” Rogerson said. “When you move to a provost level you’re doing the same thing except for the whole university. And of course at the president level it’s a very different job, but that lovely responsibility of being in charge, to determine the future and success of every student in that university is very powerful and very appealing.”
James Palmer, engineering junior, wanted to know what Rogerson has to offer to the school.
“I like to ask difficult questions, ones that require a long thought response. I want to know what makes Rogerson different from Shipley, for example,” Palmer said. “What are some of the things he thinks he can provide the university that Shipley can’t.”
Additional reporting by Ethan Metcalf.
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