Line dancing was a new experience for me and the majority of the other members in the Jan. 31 dance cardio class. While I was not perfect, it was a fun time and a good workout.
The class began with a simple combination of step-crosses and jazz squares. As more people began to trickle in, the difficulty of steps and combinations increased. The hardest one for me came from a series of step touches to kick ball changes to mambas that change directions.
While I have a dance background and picked up on the steps and combinations quickly, the majority of the class did not share that experience. Some students attended before and were familiar with the steps. A few of us picked up quickly, but the majority got lost in the combination. Our instructor, Terri Kennedy, was quick to move around the room, helping people remember the steps and stay on beat.
Line dancing is not my specialty, but the repetition made it simple. Kennedy’s teaching style is more learning on the job than I am used to, but the constant repeating steps made quick to catch on and easy to do.
It was a challenge, and by the end of it, everyone was sweating, but the class was fun. I have been looking for an opportunity to move my body since I am not a fan of traditional workouts. This class provided the exact opportunity to move and groove like I wanted.
Pre-dental hygiene sophomore, Leslie Cortes, said, “I found the class very enjoyable. It was very beginner friendly and I found the overall experience fun.”
My roommate and I have already discussed continuing to show up for the class because it helped us to move our bodies without the need for a traditional workout. Even though the class was fast-paced, the environment was positive and uplifting. If you’re looking for something fun to do, the Wellness Center offers the Dance Cardio/Line Dancing classes at 4:30 pm.