The Marx family takes pictures with Frosty’s Friends, Dec. 2. The display was adopted by Mark & Debra Suggs. (Stephanie Garcia)From left to right Brad Hargis, Tawni Hargis, Adeline Hargis, and Maddox Hargis, watch the display of Toy’s Christmas, Dec. 2. The display was adopted by Sue Ernst. (Stephanie Garcia)Brenda Goforth photographs Kennedy Goforth in Santa’s sled, Dec. 8. (Stephanie Garcia)Duke Densmore takes a candy cane from Mrs. Claus, Dec. 2. (Stephanie Garcia)Andres Revis, political science senior, collects donations from the community for Fantasy of Lights, Dec. 8. (Stephanie Garcia)Fantasy of Lights will be open until Dec. 26, Dec. 2. (Stephanie Garcia)