SGA executive office candidates shared their ideas on improving MSU’s quality of life at Tuesday’s forum.
Students are campaigning for president, vice president of internal affairs and vice president of external affairs.
Mechanical engineering sophomore Vincent Peter and political science sophomore Rory Rucker are running for president. Peter is presently the vice president of external affairs.
Peter and Rucker agreed that the main issues on campus are parking, dining and grading. Both focused on parking. Rucker also emphasized the importance of grading.
“It needs to be put in our syllabus and more baseline. Something that we can hold each other to because our syllabus are contracts,” Rucker said, later addressing parking, “We’re in the early stages of creating a bill for next year’s legislation, working together with administration to possibly have, like, multi-level parking stickers.”

Peter also addressed dining on campus, but elaborated on parking.
“That’s going to solve that issue that we want, in terms of parking. For example, we approached it with the current exec, but it was like ‘Hey, we can increase student fees and build a parking lot if everybody wants that,’” Peter said, continuing, “I also feel that the cafeteria is one of the issues that is shared mostly among all students. For that, I plan to continue working with the food committee.”
Theater performance sophomore Monique Watkins, music education senior Gage Oliver and political science junior Fatema Merchant are running for vice president of internal affairs. Though Merchant could not attend the forum, she provided pre-recorded videos answering questions.
The three candidates described the importance of ensuring SGA remains transparent and is held accountable.

Oliver focused on the student body’s role.
“I think the best way to ensure transparency is just to have students more engaged,” Oliver said, later adding, “You don’t only need to go through your senator to have your voice heard. I think it’s very important for you to go and for you to speak on your own behalf as well.”
Watkins described her views on the position’s role in maintaining transparency in SGA.
“I will lead by example, encouraging honest and open collaboration, making sure ethical guidelines and behavioral expectations are outlined in advance, and holding each person accountable, including myself,” Watkins said.

Merchant centered on ensuring the student body knows what SGA is doing.
“What are the higher-ups saying? That should be translated down to the cabinet members and the senate. And, in fact, all the student body,” Merchant said.
Finally, computer science junior Fatima Marquez, psychology junior Brianna Vidal and biology sophomore Joshua de Waal are campaigning for vice president of external affairs. De Waal could not attend the forum. Marquez is the current faculty-senate observer for SGA.
Marquez and Vidal highlighted their plans to increase student body engagement in SGA and the Wichita Falls community.

Vidal said she wants to bring more opportunities to work with the community to MSU students.
“I wish to expand our volunteer opportunities with local organizations. Also, host awareness campaigns and integrate service learning into academic courses. I will also support student-led initiatives and establish recognition programs for student contributions,” Vidal said.
Marquez mentioned having prior connections with city officials, especially in the Chamber of Commerce.
“I feel like just talking to more of our Wichita Falls leaders, knowing what they want to do, knowing what they want to work on. Seeing their plans and seeing their vision, I feel like we can collaborate and make events to help them, so they can also help us,” Marquez said.
SGA elections end on Friday, April 19 at 5 p.m.