MSU Texas wishes Maverick a happy 15th birthday
Maverick celebrates his 15th birthday with an event where students enjoy cake, music and more, Oct. 27.
In celebration of 15 years since Maverick T. Mustang was unveiled to replace the Indians as the mascot of MSU Texas and as part of homecoming, a picnic was held. The campus community was invited to join the homecoming celebration and wish Maverick a happy birthday with music, cake and inflatable games.
“Honestly, I’m here for the free food, but I liked it. I was here when they sang happy birthday to Maverick, and I thought it was really cute. I like [the picnic] so far,” Cinthia Duran, music education sophomore, said.
Maverick’s birthday was one of Duran’s first events on campus and she is excited to celebrate homecoming especially since last year’s homecoming events were canceled due to COVID-19. Duran was not the only mustang happy to be celebrating Maverick; Zaria Johnston, nursing sophomore, was at the event in hopes of getting a picture with Maverick.
“[The picnic] is good. I think there should be more people out here, but hopefully, it’ll get kickin’ in a minute. We’re gonna stand out here till’ whatever happens, happens,” Johnston said.
The picnic was hosted at Sunwatcher Plaza which attracted students such as Himanshu Gholap, exercise physiology sophomore. Gholap was walking by when he saw the celebration and decided to find out what was being celebrated. He was surprised to find it was Maverick’s 15th birthday and, as a Mustang, decided to join the celebration.

“I’m really happy that after COVID MSU is taking this initiative to unite mustangs. Make it seem like COVID never happened, unite people again, provide them food, resources and have a great time,” Gholap said.
Gholap hopes for COVID to come to an end to go back to normal and enjoy pre-COVID MSU events such as homecoming. Gholap is excited to be participating in the different homecoming events such as this one because it is his first time experiencing a homecoming.
“Back in my country we don’t have this tradition of homecoming so this will be my first homecoming event. I’m really excited to see what happens,” Gholap said.

Hello! My name is Stephanie Robledo, and this upcoming fall will be my third year with The Wichitan. Previously, I was news editor, but this time I’m...

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