Don’t complain if you’re not going to vote

As politics become increasingly divided, it’s vital college students turn out to the polls so politicians listen to the concerns of a large portion of the population, but that’s only an option if young adults take the proper steps to enforce our legitimacy.

The number of times people complain about rules and regulations, yet don’t make the effort to put in to practice their ability to make a difference, is the reason older generations scoff at any young person impassioned about a topic. No, the voting process isn’t perfect, but by refraining from participating in the only method of effective communication that impacts decisions in the government proves their neglect and prejudice against younger generations valid.

By choosing to remain ignorant of issues going on in the news, Gen Z and Millennials label themselves inept. They are inadequate to have stances because they refuse to get off their couches and move their anger from meaningless tweets to action at the polling booths. Repeatedly, younger generations lament how they’re not taken seriously, but action that proves otherwise is few and far between. Older generations have every right to laugh at the “whiny youth” when they don’t have action, effort and research to back their claims.

Complaints only matter if people take responsibility for their complaints and put the rubber to the road. People have to quit being irresponsible with their education and lack of involvement. Claiming ignorance only goes so far, and even then, it gives weight to people saying younger generations are uneducated and ill-equipped to take on the importance of engaging in the political system. It’s easy to be complacent in democracy and post hashtags that do nothing. It is substantially harder to actually care about what goes on in the world.

Getting registered to vote is as simple as checking these boxes and then filling out a single form.

  • You are a United States citizen;
  • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
  • You are at least 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on
    Election Day.
  • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
  • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

Click here for the voter registration form.