‘Say Cheese’: RHA members raise money for Mustang Pantry
It’s cheap. It’s delivery. It’s cheese.
To raise money for Mustang’s Pantry, the Resident Hall Association members put on the second annual ‘Say Cheese’ March 2 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m in Legacy Multipurpose Room.

Yamilett Compean, psychology freshman, handing Jaidan Vanover, business marketing, nachos at ‘Say Cheese’ in Legacy Multipurporse Room.
Brenda Morales, Spanish junior and RHA president, said, “The food pantry is open to any student; students who don’t always have resources to purchase food.”
RHA members invited students out to watch movies and eat cheese-related food options.
Jaidan Vanover, business marketing sophomore, said, “They had a decent-size menu with many different kinds of cheese to choose from to make the grilled-cheese sandwiches. I also liked the movie choices”
The 15 students that showed up the event watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Boss Baby.
The members also accepted pre-orders which started March 1. In these pre-orders, students could call in their orders and set a time between 9 – 11 p.m. on March 2 to get the orders delivered.
Vanover said, “At first I was going to pre-order, but since I worked I wasn’t sure of an appropriate time to set the delivery, so I just went when I got off.”
Even without the pre-orders students were still able to call-in orders and have them delivered to their rooms by RHA members.
Marina Lash, nursing sophomore, said, “I had planned on going to the event, but I ended up just calling my order in because it was cold, dark and wet, so I didn’t feel like leaving anymore.”
RHA members raised about $95 and about 80 percent of the money came from delivery alone.