Question of the Week: How can the Wichitan better serve students?
Sociology junior Lisa Noriega and finance freshman Victoria Rosas reading in the student center before finishing homework. Feb. 25. Photo by Alana Earle
Here at the Wichitan, we are striving to be better for our students. We wanted to get students input on how we can improve ourselves and the paper for the benefit of the campus. Here’s what students said and suggested about how the Wichitan can better represent them.
How can the Wichitan better serve students?
Isiah Contreras, kinesiology sophomore | “I think you all basically do what you all can with what you have, you inform students of what’s going on or what’s wrong on campus. The only thing I would change is maybe the design, it’s a little repetitive.”
Lindsey Sarabia, early education junior | “Getting students more engaged would be beneficial for the university. Making a solid app would be good. In the app, students could submit article ideas, vote on our opinions regarding issues and the articles will be more accessible than ever.”
Frida Arredondo, Spanish and French senior | “I don’t read the Wichitan often, but so far I have only read articles about the events of campus. Maybe if they can also focus on other topics relevant to students.”
Kelly Le, business sophomore | “I think it’d be cool if the Wichitan [would] do live stories [and] updates on social media like Facebook or Instagram. They could go to events and video what’s going on and do little interviews.”
Estafani Vasquez, biology and chemistry freshman | “I would like to see the newspaper have a section on what is going on during the week.”
Lisa Noriega, sociology junior | “I’m a transfer student, I didn’t know we had a newspaper. At orientation, I don’t really remember them about it. So, I guess just tell more students about the newspaper.”
Victoria Rosas, finance freshman | “I’m on the cross country team, so I wanna see more sports [covered].”
Craig Gregg, psychology freshman | “I believe mass communication students should be allowed to input their opinions, they’re students too. They work closely with the newspaper and would probably have a better idea of what to put in [the newspaper] versus students who don’t care.”
Dara Cunningham, early education junior | “…Making people more aware of the events going on throughout the campus, keeping them up to date on changes throughout the school and fun things to do in Wichita [Falls].”
Chad Callender, math freshman | “I think they do a pretty good job informing students about campus issues. My boss was reading the paper last week and mentioned that he didn’t even know what was all going on campus.”
Marina Fasura Ferraz, computer science sophomore | “I only really learned what the Wichitan was through knowing some people who are involved with it. I think there needs to be more individual student involvement, things like a weekly competition between students to display their art or even a comic strip every week.”

Yerasly Duran is a journalist for The Wichitan. She is double majoring in mass communication and English, minoring in public relations and advertising....