New security fee may replace current parking fees

Bridget Reilly

Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance Valarie Maxwell speaks on the new parking permit initiative at the Board of Regents meeting, Feb. 14. Photo by Bridget Reilly

Beginning the next fall semester, students may find a new security fee replacing the current parking decals on campus.

Student Government Association President Ellie Gunderson proposed the fee and presented at the Feb.14 Board of Regents meeting.

The new security fee if approved will cover student parking, campus lights, and information technology security. If finalized, the change will go into effect beginning the fall 2019 semester.

“It would be effective this fall, but the board has not yet taken action. It was discussed at the Board of Regents meeting and we were with the Student Government Association. Ellie, Dr. Lamb and myself did go through everything and explained and got unanimous approval from the Student Government. Only one of the 50 or so people there wasn’t in favor of the change,” Maxwell said.

As of now, only students with cars on campus are paying the $130 parking decal, an amount that is set to increase $20 per year. However, with the security fee, all students will pay the fee.

“The intent is to eliminate the current parking decals that student’s purchase. In its place, instead of a $130 parking decal, they would only pay a $50 term-based fee ,” Maxwell said, a fee that could total $150 with summer terms included.

Although non-driving students will have their fees increased as a result of this change, it will  result in an estimated $140,000 increase in revenue for uses as yet undetermined.

“Part of the hope is that for our campus police, they won’t have to police people who aren’t with us as much. It will provide better security for our students and staff,” Maxwell said.

Maxwell lastly provided clarification on how the current parking zones and regulations will be affected by this new fee.

“There will still be zones for commuter and resident students once they have registered a vehicle. There’s still no change on faculty and staff parking either. We know we don’t want open parking,” Maxwell said.

Despite repeated attempts to reach Ellie Gunderson in person and by phone, she was unavailable throughout the week.