Foreign language clubs to hold meetings, events this week

The Spanish Club hosted ‘Speed Spanglish,’ an event aimed at improving Spanish speaking and listening skills, Nov. 7 at 5 p.m. in CSC Comanche. The French and German clubs also, will be holding meetings and planning events this week.
“There are many benefits to an event like this one,” Sarah Butler, instructor of Spanish, said. “One would be that it is in a non-threatening environment. This will hopefully encourage students to try and improve their skills, which is the best way to learn how to speak a second language.”
The German Club and the French club both plan to meet this week to discuss upcoming events.
“We have numerous events coming up as we are looking to grow the club to what it once was,” Eric Lynch, assistant professor of French, said. “We are planning a Christmas event with the German Club, and will be hosting movies and perhaps even a crêpe night in the coming weeks.”
Learning a second language, as both Butler and Lynch said, has its benefits.
“It’s fantastic to gain knowledge of other cultures, and be able to travel abroad to places where English might not be spoken,” Lynch said.
Butler built on this viewpoint.
“My number one reason for learning a second language is that it’s an efficient and different way to understand that people approach the world, and problems around them, differently to you,” Butler said. “This is such an important lesson to learn.”
Students also, said there is something useful in learning a second language.
“Being able to translate and motivate Spanish speakers to learn English is something that employers look for,” Kelsey Merino, economics freshman, said. “It can even help those new to the U.S. live the American dream.”
Often, people fail to recognize the struggles of English as a second language students, Merino said.
“My first language was Spanish, so sometimes understanding certain words in English can be tricky,” Merino said. “It is useful to be bilingual, or at least comfortable in more than one language.”
Merino is the historian of the Organization of Hispanic Students, and she said she aims to motivate local Latin students to join the organization and encourage the members to teach others about Latino and Hispanic culture.
The French Club has been reborn at MSU this year:
- Already at 10+ members
- Expecting to grow substantially in the coming weeks
- Events coming up include film screenings, food tastings, and other events hosted in co-ordination with other clubs
- Meet in BW 127 at 5 p.m. every other Wednesday
The German Club meet in the PY faculty lounge on Mondays at 4 p.m.

Soccer tailgate! Come by the OHS table to get free nachos! #stanggang #VIVAMSU
— Organization Of Hispanic Students (@OHS_MSUTEXAS) October 11, 2018