A day in the life of Matthew Tempelmeyer

Kristin Silva

Matthew Tempelmeyer

Whether he’s teaching a room full of 9 and 10 year-olds or playing hard on the practice field, kinesiology and mathematics junior Matthew Tempelmeyer supplies the same goal oriented energy to everything he’s involved in.

“Matt’s a guy who likes to be in control of the situation. He’s calm under pressure. A lot of times he was our quarterback in intramural football and he was our point guard in basketball,” said Josiah Beshear, education sophomore, and friend of Tempelmeyer. “He’s very reliable and very smart and methodical in the way he thinks. He makes sure when he’s doing stuff he’s doing it for a purpose, not just  because someone else told him to do it. He does what he believes is best in that situation.”

Tempelmeyer has been very active during his time in college, and his bold and caring personality has drawn new friends to him.

“Matthew and I met in high school. We both went to Rider. I remember him being a smaller kid and playing baseball, but we didn’t really talk much until he graduated and got into college. That’s when we really became friends, his freshman year and my sophomore year,” Beshear said.

Since the time he was young, sports has been an outlet for Tempelmeyer where he’s met many of his close friends.

Connor Chamberlain, mathematics sophomore, said, “I’ve played a lot of sports with him over the years. basketball and other sports. He’s always been a great guy. He’s a great guy to be around. He’s always uplifting. He’s a great all around guy.”

Tempelmeyer grew up in Wichita Falls and attended Rider High School where he played varsity baseball for three and a half years, and basketball for a year. He continued into college at MSU with the guidance of his mother, Teresa Tempelmeyer, who teaches psychology.

“I played a summer semester of college baseball until I had arm surgery and that went out the window. Now sports are an outlet to look back into that competitive side that I’ve always had. It’s always been an outlet. I don’t have to focus on anything or worry about anything. It’s exhilarating. I get a rush,” Tempelmeyer said.

Despite not playing for MSU, Tempelmeyer stills remains active in sports by playing recreational games with friends in the Wellness Center, and on the practice fields.  He said he and his friends love to invite anyone who wants to come.

“A lot of my time goes into playing whatever sports are available to me at the time — volleyball, basketball, whatever someone wants to play with me,” Tempelmeyer said “We’ll send out a group chat to this big group we have and whoever shows up, shows up. We usually get a pretty good group to get a couple games going. I always try to get a team together. It’s a good way to spend time with friends and meet new people who have similar interests. It’s a good experience all around.”

Tempelmeyer uses sports as a way to bond with others and form lasting relationships. He and his friends said they meet new friends, and grow closer to each other through the times and words shared.

“One of the most fun memories I have is we would always go and play basketball together up at Rider during Christmas break, which transformed into our intramural team,” Beshear said. “After we got done with that, we’d go over to his house and play the old school Madden on the PS2. We’d just hang out, laugh and talk about not only the stuff that happened in high school, but the stuff that was going on in our lives and grow closer together.”

His love for others not only brings him closer to others, but others closer to each other. By inviting more people, Tempelmeyer creates opportunities for his friends to meet each other.

Chamberlain said, “He’s very outgoing. With anyone new, he acts like he’s known them for the longest time. He’s easy to talk to, friendly and outgoing. He’s great at involving people in things, and anytime we get a group of friends together, he’s always the one organizing it. He’s good at bringing people together to make friends and have fun and stuff like that.”

Both his love for other people, and his drive for achievement are transferred into his ministry to serve his christian faith.

“A lot of the things he does in sports correlate with his faith. He likes being on the front line in doing the work and being in the ministry, whether it means he gets to teach the fourth and fifth graders or if he has to babysit,” Beshear said. “He’s content with doing whatever is needed of him. I’d say he’s one of the strongest leaders at his church, and he really holds an example to his peers on how to act spiritually and how to go about the faith and learning it, making sure you know your scripture and where it came from not just a verse. He’s able to make it more applicable than most.”

Tempelmeyer not only allows his natural character to impact his ministry, but his faith to impact his character.

“The biggest thing in my life right now is church — working with the college ministry. Religion should be a focal point in people’s lives, whatever that looks like. I definitely try to make it [in my life],” Tempelmeyer said. “I try to put faith up on a podium, let it play into everything else and let it guide me to make better decisions.”

Tempelmeyer has worked with Grace Church as a paid children’s ministry intern for the last two years. He has many responsibilities including helping run Sunday night church and preparing and teaching messages for fourth and fifth graders on Wednesday nights.

“I really love faith, and working at my church. Anytime I want to study or work on something, I prioritize a devotional or bible reading for the lesson I’m teaching that week,” Tempelmeyer said.

Tempelmeyer has grown up in a christian home and has attended Grace Church since his sixth grade year. He says his parents have both impacted his faith through their work and pursuits within ministry.

“My mom has a seminary degree and is an ordained minister and my father was a volunteer youth pastor at a church that we went to,” Tempelmeyer said. “Faith has always been a pinnacle of my childhood and I’ve always enjoyed learning about the unknown and what blind faith really looks like.”

Tempelmeyer said he plans to use his education to impact the lives of a younger generation regardless of what that looks like.

“My own personal goal is to stay working in ministry. I love giving to that form. If that’s not the path I take, I’ll teach high school,” Tempelmeyer said. 

Tempelmeyer said he receives inspiration in his faith and life goals from men outside his family.

“I have four non-family members who have been really big spiritual influences on me. One would be my boss, Josh Fernberg. He’s our head children’s pastor. He is an amazing guy and shows me how you can be a fun guy and still be an amazing child of God,” Tempelmeyer said. “Another one is Nolan Smith. He was my high school leader. Curtis Lindsey  is our college pastor. He’s one of the smartest people I have ever known. His ability to speak rivals none. Lastly, is our current lead pastor Reggie Coe. He’s a very sweet man. He is an overall great guy. You can’t go wrong with Reggie.”

Tempelmeyer’s maturity and serious nature regarding his faith has earned him high regard among his peers.

“He’s very strong in his faith. He’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Something I definitely respect about him is that he’s not afraid to let people know where he stands in his faith,” Chamberlain said.

Biographical Question and Answer:

If You could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Kraudaforf, Austria

If you could travel to any time, when and who would you meet? 30 A.D. Jesus and his desciples

What is your favorite color? Blue

What is your favorite food? Bratwurst

Did you have any pets as a kid? 5 dogs

What is your dream car?  1967 Chevy Impala

If you could have any talent, what would it be?  To play the guitar

Do you any hidden talents? Plays piano

Where is he coolest place you have ever been? The Painted Dessert

If you could have coffee anyone, who would it be? Paul [the disciple], Jesus, and Socrates