The pressure of perfection is overwhelming

At a young age, going to a university and graduating with your dream degree was instilled into us. We were able to choose what and where we wanted to take our first big step into life. We celebrated when we got accepted into our dream school and counted down until the day we moved away from our parents’ rules and regulations. We posted pictures and tweets about moving in and loving our new roommates, getting brand new dorm decor and school supplies.

We soon get lost in the parties, football games, and numerous naps per day. Time flies, midterms start to approach and at this moment, we realize how stressful college actually is. It has been six weeks and my life is a wreck. The goals and dreams that I put before myself are slowing fading away. The thought of obtaining a 4.0 GPA and being at the top of my class is gone. I’ve looked on Pinterest and Google for tips and tricks on how to study more effectively to get a 4.0, I’ve joined study groups and have gone to office hours, but nothing is clicking for me. I know that if I stay on this road Christmas will not be a fun time

I grew up in a family that doesn’t accept anything below a B; no excuses. In high school, if I struggled in class I would go to tutoring, and a little coaxing of the teacher would help bring me up to an A. I quickly learned that doesn’t work here. There are so many fears of how my parents will react once they find out that I’m not doing as well as they thought I would, and it’s a possibility that I won’t achieve a 4.0.

I feel like every goal and dream I set for myself is falling out of reach because of the pressure I put on myself to achieve perfection. I’ve even started to doubt my abilities to succeed in college and in life. Fortunately in the past few days I’ve realized that success isn’t easy. I want a perfect GPA and I want the Chief Editor job at ESPN, but I have to work to get to where I want to be and it won’t be easy; I won’t let that dream slip away.

The best way I deal with stress is keeping a positive mindset and surrounding myself with others who believe I can grind through it. A positive mind will allow you to see struggles as a character builder, not as a setback. I encourage you to talk to close friends, family and those who really love you if you’re feeling overwhelmed. You can even go home or a have small getaway for the weekend to unplug and refocus. Just remember that other students understand your struggle, so don’t be afraid to speak out and keep pushing through and your head held high because you will succeed.