Do people ever consider the fact that a little politeness, kindness and common decency can do wonders for your own and your fellow humans’ (perhaps a complete stranger’s) psyches?
After trudging through Wal-mart, I decided that I would put my New Year’s resolution to use.
This year I will choose to keep a smile on my face and a friendly word on my tongue, when I would have usually rather had my middle finger in the air, and dare someone to cut his eyes at me during such times.
What would normally have been a torturous battle of grocery carts amongst a sea of bargain-shopping drones (such as myself), I chose to smile to those around me and say “Hello,” “How are you?” and “Pardon me,” just to name a few. And the masses reciprocated!
Now I’m not suggesting that you must have a full-blown heart-to-heart with every stranger that passes you by (nor would I recommend it…use your judgment), but even the angry, toothless lady at the bakery turned a complete 180 in mood as I simply said, “Hello, how are you today?” when I passed by the counter.
She even stopped what she was doing and offered me a cookie! I accepted, gratefully, without any shame that I was alone, without my 2-year-old son (who usually gets the goods at the cookie counter).
I figured I would try this profound method of operation once again, as I passed through the cramped aisles and made my way to the check-out as I approached yet another grumpy-faced cashier.
After making literally the weakest amount of friendly small-talk, I could tell her mood had shifted to one other than complete hatred for the world and the people around her and I even scored a couple of coupons from her that a customer had left behind.
Now I would not claim to be the nicest person in the world or even come close to claiming that I am the epitome of class and manners—I realize vulgarity is my personality, for the most part.
However, I challenge each of you to try it today. I do not care where you are or what you are doing. Try being a little bit nicer to another person today and just see what happens.
I will bet you all of the change in your car console that 9 out of 10 people will respond with kindness. Try it out! (I know, I know….just call me Jesus…I’m putting on my Jerusalem-cruisers and heading back out there in a bit for round two.)