Freezing temperatures and rain did not stop a few persistent pickers from participating in MSU’s annual Pecan Day on Dec. 3.
“It’s the worst weather I’ve seen during Pecan Day, but it’s still fun,” Alissa Donaldson, adjunct faculty member, said.
Donaldson lives on campus with her husband and son in Legacy Hall, and spent more than two hours picking more than 1,000 pecans on the president’s lawn.
This was the first Pecan Day since 2012 because of the drought that plagued north Texas, and the pecan trees were not producing healthy nuts.
“Because of the drought, we had to suspend Pecan Day. We would pick up and crush the pecans but there would be nothing in them, it was awful. It’s a lot better this year because of all the rain we’ve been getting,” Cindy Ashlock, executive assistant to the president, said.
Free cookies and hot chocolate were provided for the people who braved the harsh weather, but not many came out to enjoy the refreshments. Ashlock said they expected around 175 people to attend the event, but only around eight people managed to fight through the cold and rain.
“I’m sad I couldn’t bring my son because of the weather, but I’m still glad they brought Pecan Day back. It’s hard to get good pecans from around the rest of town,” Donaldson said.
Those who attended the decades old event came away with bags and trash bins full of pecans.
“I try to get enough pecans for my family to eat throughout the entire year, it’s a fun event,” Donaldson said.