Young and old voices alike came together to create a message of hope through song during the Oratorio Chorus’ concert Nov. 13. The Oratorio Chorus, directed by Dale Heidebrecht, assistant professor of music, performed for a crowd of more than 100 in Akin Auditorium.
“There were moments during the program that shimmered and really hit the target. It was the best performance that we’ve done overall,” Heidebrecht said.
The Oratorio Chorus is comprised of both students and members of the community, and Heidebrecht said the ensemble is growing each semester.
“A good portion of members have been singing with us for decades,” Heidebrecht said.
Heidebrecht said he enjoys working with the chorus because they are the best music readers he’s ever been involved with, and that their experience allows them to make music easily. Members of the chorus enjoy singing under the direction of Heidebrecht
“Dr. Heidebrecht makes learning the music fun. Being in the chorus has a great performance aspect with good people,” Lauren Teeter, sociology senior, said.
The chorus features singers from high school age to people in their late 80s. Students said they enjoyed seeing people from the community performing.
“I was impressed because these are people who are doing this because they want to and not as a class requirement. I was also impressed with all the work they did to present this program,” Brooke Leiker, music education freshman, said.
The chorus performed selections by Randall Thompson, American choral composer, including “The Last Words of David” and “Peaceable Kingdom,” which both featured verses from the Bible. The chorus also performed “The Road Not Taken” from Frostiana, which is named for the poem by Robert Frost.
Heidebrecht said the “Peaceable Kingdom” was the hardest to perform and rehearse because of the violent text.
“It’s hard to sing so loud and violent constantly. Vocally, it’s just so taxing and exhausting,” Heidebrecht said.
Heidebrecht said he chose the music to express a message of hope post-election, and that after choosing our government’s path we will hopefully eventually live in a peaceable kingdom. For now, there is still a divide in our society.
“I chose ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ for the violence and bitter anger that mirrors what one half of society is feeling right now,” Heidebrecht said.
Heidebrecht said he believes conservatives and liberals need to have a conversation to keep democracy alive, and the conversation will end if the two sides do not communicate.
“We have to continue the conversation. Hope for that is the overall message of the program,” Heidebrecht said.
Full Program
“The Last Words of David” – Randall Thompson
“Peaceable Kingdom” – Randall Thompson
- Say ye to the righteous
- Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity
- The noise of a multitude in the mountains
- Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand
- The paper reeds by the brooks
- But these are they that forsake the Lord
- Have ye not known?
- Ye shall have a song
“The Road Not Taken” from Frostiana – Randall Thompson
oratorio chorus 16