The Tau Sigma honor society wings and ‘beer’ mixer went well on Aug. 26, but the students found out about it a bit differently. The app Scavify, a scavenger hunt app used by Matthew Chisholm, coordinator of student transition programs, as well as others who put on some of the events this week, helped bring students to the event.
Chisholm said, “We have students go to places on campus where they can either scan a QR code, or take a picture. if a student has the most points, he or she wins prizes.”
He also said it has driven students to the events on campus, such as Kaily Ashton, social work freshman, and Rachel Roberts, dental hygiene freshman.
“It’s so fun, and it’s gotten us out of the house,” Roberts said. “We (Kaily and I) have been in the top five all day so we’re trying to keep that.”
Ashton and Roberts said the app helped them meet other students on campus, and learn their way around the campus.
“We’ve been to so many places already with this app,” Ashton said. “I know I’m just a social work major, but I still think it’s cool that I know where everything is now.”
Aside from the app, the event turned out well. There were more than ten people at the event, and students like ShaDera Bryant Williams, athletic training freshman, said they enjoyed it.
“I figured it was a good way to get out the door and meet new people, which I’ve done,” Bryant Williams said.
She also said her favorite part of the event was the BBQ wings, and the root beer.
While the event was a success, and there were no problems putting it on, there was an accident with the root beer keg at the beginning when Chisholm pushed it over a bump, and spilled the ice all over the floor.
“That was quite a ride. It was a little embarrassing, but we got it all cleaned up with no problems,” Chisholm said.
The event cost $300 for food and root beer. Chisholm said they want to host an event like this next year to get more transfer students involved. He also said he wants to use Scavify for other events this year.