As an avid reader of our amazing campus newspaper, I was slightly upset when reading the staff editorial, “Changes should help, not harm.” The main issue I have towards the article is the same problem I have to deal with as a student leader on this campus: parking. The article did have just a tiny bit of merit regarding the safety of students, faculty and staff. That much is true, however, it is important to note that no serious accidents have occurred as of yet.
I currently serve on the Traffic Appeals Committee in which we undergo a review process for students wishing to appeal their citations. Truthfully, only very few citations are overturned in favor of the student and the main reason is this: laziness. Some students have apparently forgotten that you cannot park in certain areas around campus. The university publishes maps that students can refer to for their respective parking spaces, and in fact we have added spots to various locations to facilitate parking on campus for commuters and residents. Students list the ongoing construction as a reason that justifies their claims as being “forced” to park in a reserved or handicap spot. I highly encourage all students to prioritize their day and factor in a slightly longer walk to class, because essentially, our campus is not very big, and it does not take you very long to get from point A to point B. Yes, you do pay for your parking decals, but that doesn’t mean you are always going to get a “good spot;” addressing the topic about not being a big university also entails the fact that most universities do not allow their freshman to bring a vehicle and register it on campus. So essentially, we are trying to be as fair as possible when we handle parking issues; I suggest waking up ten minutes earlier and walking to all your classes and not try to drive from Bolin to Dillard.
The comment in your newspaper article in which addressed the current construction work at hand as stated, “Yet construction workers seem to have free reign over diminishing lots,” is not only inappropriate for the setting, but completely absurd. We have sufficient parking on this campus; and these construction workers are doing a service and a job that is necessary for the expansion of MSU. For further proof or questions, I highly suggest that the Wichitan Staff refer to Dr. Keith Lamb, Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. We have the spaces for students, faculty, staff, and construction workers. Stop hunting for the “good” spots and walk.
Lastly, I know it is frustrating because sometimes I run late and make myself even more tardy by hunting for a “good” spot. However, as a leader, I realize that all this construction mess is necessary. I have sat on various committees regarding the expansion of Midwestern State University. The future of this campus is an amazing one. That is why I do not mind walking from D.L. Ligon Coliseum to Dillard, wait for a truck full of supplies to pass by, or stop to thank the workers for what they do. I’m not only concerned for those that I serve now, but for future students as well; essentially, this is not about whether or not you get to park your car as close to campus as possible, it should be about the greater good in the long run. Look, we are in this together as Mustangs and I think a little consideration will go a long way. Midwestern State University is growing and with that to happen some small sacrifices will have to be made now. Wake up a bit earlier, look both ways before you cross, and say a hello to those construction workers out there.
Marco Torres is a history senior.