If you’re like me, this time of year cabin fever can begin to set in. After over two months of cold weather the sun is finally starting to shine and temperatures are on the rise. As the days get longer it’s time to get outside and enjoy the arrival of spring. If you’re looking for a great taste of the outdoors and adventure right here in Wichita Falls, go check out the Wee-Chi-Tah off-road trail.
The Wee-Chi-Tah trail is located along the Wichita river running from Lucy Park to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It is 13 miles off off-road trail that features rocks, twists, climbs and descents right in the heart of the city. It is open year round (weather permitting) to mountain bikers and those running and walking as well. The Wee-Chi-Tah trail has been voted the best urban off-road trail in the state of Texas and it is a part of the Hotter N’ Hell Hundred’s mountain bike race and trail run as part of the Triple Threat.
A dedicated group of people maintains the trail. The largest problem facing the trail today is the need to clear all of the dead trees and brush because FEMA and the Corps of Engineers believe it impedes the flow of the river and causes the flooding to be worse. What they are asking is a HUGE amount of hard laborious work. If volunteers cannot complete the work they will bring in their guys and do what they recently did to the concrete side down from Lucy park basically clear cut the trail. That would be devastating to everyone involved as the main appeal of the trail is how wild and unruly it is.
Sherry Potts who has been involved in the trail since the beginning said, “In a perfect world we would find a way to fund it, grow it, nurture it and share it with as many people as we could to help create and continue to promote the need for a return to playing outside. Mostly though, it’s an opportunity for a little adventure,”. The trail is an important resource for the community and she hopes that everyone will take advantage of it. Just watch out for the poison ivy!
The Wee-Chi-Tah Trail is a great opportunity for students to get outdoors and be involved in the community.
Jimmy Young who is one of the core volunteers said “The trail isn’t just for us mountain bikers. Anyone is welcome to come walk and run the trail as well,”.
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