2015 Fall Graduation
607 Midwestern State University students graduated in the fall of 2015
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Kailey Tull, kinesiology, puts on Alexis Morton's, accounting, cap while waiting in the MPEC before Commencement Ceremony held in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12, where 440 crossed the stage. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Sean Estrada helps his wife, Laura Estrada, English, put on her cap and fix her bangs while in the MPEC before Commencement Ceremony held in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12, where 440 crossed the stage. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Shannon Smith, fine arts, poses with Shadow, Shannon's dog, for a photo before the Commencement Ceremony in the MPEC, Dec. 12. Shadow is an Australian Shepard service dog being trained to help people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Graduates get a group photo together in the MPEC before Commencement Ceremony held in Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Suzanne Shipley, university president, welcomes the graduates and audience members at the Commemcement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Catherine Davis, MSU Alumna, gives advise to the graduates in the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Suzanne Shipley, university president, adresses the graduates and audience members at the Commemcement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Susan Harvey, department chair and associate professor of music education, recieves the Faculty Award and was given the plaque by David Carlston, psychology professor, during the Commencement Cermony held in Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Betty Stewart, provost and vise president for academic affairs, congratulates the graduates and their family at the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Chirstopher Portillo, business administration, hugs Suzanne Shipley, university president, as he walks across the stage at the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Suzanne Shipley, university president, congratulates Francisco Espinoza, applied arts and sciences, as he walks across the stage at the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015
Shannon Smith, fine arts, walks along the stage with her dog in the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015
Betty Stewart, vice president for acadmeic affairs and provost, gives the introductions at the Commencement Ceremony for August and Dececember graduates held in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12, where 440 graduates crossed the stage. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Suzanne Shipley, university president, congraduates Chimatara Nwabuko, nursing, as she walks across the stage at the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Devin Williams, marketing, waves at the professors after receiving her diploma case in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. "[After getting my degree] I took a marketing postiion with Old Navy, and then just take it day by day and keep my options open," Williams said. Photo by Rachel Johnson
President Suzanne Shipley gives the welcome speach at the Commencement Ceremony for Aug. and Dec. 2015 graduates held in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12, where 440 graduates crossed the stage. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Francisco Espinoza, bachelor of applied arts and science, pounds his chest after waving to friends who were graduates as well int he Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Bernard Griffin Jr., criminal justice, acknowledges members in the audience, then started to dance and shake hands with other graduates in attendance in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Emmi Wilson, criminal justice, holds up her diploma case so her mom in the audience could get a picture of her, in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Astri Burgos, nursing, hugs her professors as she heads back to her seat after recieving her diploma case in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Megan Smith, social work, holds up her diploma case to her family after hugging the ASL translator for the Commencement Ceremony held in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Liberty Billingsley, criminal justice, holds up her diploma case to the audience to show it off, in the Kay Yeager Colisem, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Rodney Holmes, excersize physiology, waves to his family members in the audience during the part in the ceremony where they have the graduates recognize their friends, family, professors, and people who helped them get to graduation day in Kay Yeager, Dec. 12. "I'm just feeling excitement, it's just crazy because O wamt tp say i'm the first on my dad's side of the family to finish this higher education," Holmes said. Photo by Rachel Johsnon
Aaliyah Tuitt, science, Anya Tuitt, Asha Tuitt, and Sequoyah Survia, take a selfie after the Commencement Ceremony in Kay Yeager Coliseum Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by Francisco Martinez
Indira Placide, biology senior, and Krystal Basten, criminal justice junior, hold up a Sigma Lambda Alpha sign, so their two graduated sisters could find them after the ceremony, out side of the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. Photo by Rachel Johnson
2015 Fall Graduation
607 Midwestern State University students graduated in the fall of 2015

![Devin Williams, marketing, waves at the professors after receiving her diploma case in the Kay Yeager Coliseum, Dec. 12. "[After getting my degree] I took a marketing postiion with Old Navy, and then just take it day by day and keep my options open," Williams said. Photo by Rachel Johnson](https://thewichitan.com/wp-content/flagallery/2015-fall-graduation/webview/gradreaction8.jpg)

Facts and Figures
Date | Dec. 12, 2015 Location | Kay Yeager Coliseum Speaker | Catherine Davis, vice president of marketing for Neiman Marcus Hardin Professor Award | Susan Harvey Degrees
- Master’s |118
- Bachelor’s | 487
- Associate’s | 2
- TOTAL | 607 (including 174 August graduates)
- Dillard College of Business Administration | 93
- Gordon T. and Ellen West College of Education | 103
- Lamar D. Fain College of Fine Arts | 22
- Robert D. and Carol C. Gunn College of Health Sciences and Human Services | 282
- Protho-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences | 39
- College of Science and Mathematics | 68
- Master’s degrees | 118
- Bachelor of Science | 52
- Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies | 25
- Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training | 1
- Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice | 25
- Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology | 7
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing | 87
- Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences | 81
- Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care | 21
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science | 3
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | 4
- Bachelor of Business Administration | 80
- Bachelor of Arts | 41
- Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences | 38
- Bachelor of Social Work | 9
- Bachelor of Fine Arts | 10
- Bachelor of Music | 3
- Associate of Applied Science | 2
- “It has taken me about eight years straight to receive my degree today,” Clayton Burgoon, radiological sciences, said. “I start grad school next month to be a radiologist physician assistant.”
- Samantha Reeder, chemistry, said, “I plan to use my degree in the industries of quality control and assurance. Since receiving my associates degree, it has taken me three years to earn my bachelor’s today.”
- “I began taking classes about 20 years, but put my degree on hold to have my family,” Melissa Witherspoon, nursing, said. “It’s taken me four years to finish my degree and I plan to work at United Regional as a registered nurse.”
- Crystal Hone, masters in business administration, said, “I moved to Wichita Falls to get my undergraduate degree and after taking six months off, I decided to stay to get my master’s. All together, it has been 10 years to finally finish schooling. I am working at Wells Fargo Bank in Austin in the retail banking department.”
- “I earned my master’s degree in training development through the online program,” Andy Hebert, masters in training development, said. “I work at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas as a clinical research team leader. I specifically do pediatric drug research and looking now to train and develop my team.”
MORE ON THE SPEAKER Catherine Davis earned her bachelor of arts from MSU in 1989, majoring in mass communication with a minor in commercial art. She earned her master’s from the University of Oklahoma and in 1999 joined Neiman Marcus as director of brand Marketing where she developed online strategies to help the company enter the digital age. In 2006, Davis received the NM Best award, Neiman Marcus’ most prestigious employee honor. She also has served as Direct Marketing Director for The Container Store and from 2012-2014 was Vice President of Marketing for Neiman Marcus’s Last Call Brand during a period of triple-digit Web growth and expansion. While at MSU, she was Student Government Association president for two years, vice president of Chi Omega Fraternity, Lady Midwestern, Homecoming queen, Campus Watch news anchor and student ambassador. She received multiple awards from the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. In 1999, Davis was named the Distinguished Alumna from the Fain College of Fine Arts. Davis is a Wichita Falls native and a 1985 graduate of Rider High School. Her parents, Leland and Ruth Ann Allred, and brother Cullen Allred reside in Wichita Falls.