After two weeks comprised of students submitting nominations and voting, seniors Clayton Brown and Shelby Cowman were crowned the Homecoming king and queen during halftime of Mustangs’ game against Texas A&M-Kingsville on Friday night at Memorial Stadium. Brown represented Kappa Alpha Order and Cowman represented Sigma Kappa in the elections.
How did it feel to be crowned Homecoming king and queen?
Brown: “It is humbling to think that your peers and the administration think you represent MSU well.”
Cowman: “It feels awesome and so shocking. I just did not expect this at all.”
What were the thoughts going through your head before they announced the winners?
Brown: “A little bit of nervousness and excitement. I was anxious to see what was going to happen because I really had no idea.”
Cowman: “I definitely wasn’t expecting to hear my name. I looked at my sister, who was escorting me, and was like ‘Did they just say me?’ and she said ‘Go get your crown!”‘
What made you interested in running for Homecoming court?
Brown: “I found out I was nominated and people got behind to support me. I really didn’t do a whole lot of campaigning.”
Cowman: “I never really have put myself out there and I just thought I would do something for a change and went for it.”
Were there any positive contributions that you have made to the campus that made you a prime candidate?
Brown: “I feel that refounding the Kappa Alpha chapter here and doing stuff in IFC and I guess being a good student have been the main things. Being a good representation of the university.”
Cowman: “I would say this year I have tried to be as involved as possible. So anything going on I have tried to attend. Before, I never really went to anything. I just went to work and so I have made sure to get involved. I feel I have branched out and got to know more people outside of Sigma Kappa.”
Are there any requirements for the election process? Are there any different requirements this year than years past?
Brown: “You had to turn in letters of recommendation, campus involvement sheets that were required for kings and queens and community involvement sheets, as well as the online application. I don’t believe there was any different requirements.”
Cowman: “We submitted campus involvement resumes as well as community service hours that we got points for. Also, we had to turn in recommendation letters.”
Do you think the week of Homecoming and the activities that correlate with it are primarily for the Greek communities or for the entire campus student body?
Brown: “It is for the entire campus. Every organization gets to participate in the events. Homecoming is a representation of the entire school.”
Cowman: “For the entire campus and especially this year, I saw a lot more people getting involved. I know the lip sync competition was way longer than previous years and was packed. It was cool to see that.”
Some say that the Homecoming king and queen titles are meaningless. Do you think so?
Brown: “I don’t think they are meaningless. They are just an honor to have that title. I don’t feel like I am deserving of anything extra or any kind of special treatment because of that. I feel honored and humbled to get the recognition.”
Cowman: “It definitely means something to me. I don’t know about other people. I wouldn’t say it is meaningless at all. It is definitely an honor for me.”
If being awarded king and queen came with “great responsibilities,” what will you do with the title? As in, if you could change something about the campus atmosphere what will you choose?
Brown: “I would raise school spirit. I feel like that is something that needs to happen and sincerely think it has happened in the time I have been here. I am happy to help play a small role in that. I feel we have made great strides, but can always be better.”
Cowman: “I would do more for student involvement such as getting the student organizations doing things together. I know in sororities we do mixers and I think it would be cool to do that with other organizations.”
What are your plans after graduation?
Brown: “I haven’t decided what I want to do after, but I have a couple options. I am trying to finish strong and make a final decision on what I want to do after I graduate.”
Cowman: “I am unsure of where I want to work, but I know I want to move to Austin. I am majoring in marketing and Austin is the main area for numerous start up businesses.”
Clayton Brown is a mechanical engineering senior and Shelby Cowman is a marketing senior.
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Homecoming Candidates Announced
Matthew • Nov 4, 2015 at 8:12 AM
I think the titles are meaningless. I’ve never seen them, much like prom royalty, doing anything worthwhile. It’s all about popularity. Who’s popular and who isn’t.