At their June 1 meeting, members of the Board of Regents unanimously approved two revisions to the board’s bylaws, according to Debbie Barrow, director of board and government relations.
The first revision is to article 15, section two, and concerns future changes to by-laws.
This revision means, as written in the agenda, “these by-laws may be amended, waived, suspended, or repealed at any meeting of the Board of Regents by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided a quorum is present, and further provided a written notice of proposed changes has been sent each member at least ten days prior to the time of voting.”
The second revision is to article seven, section two, and concerns nomination and election procedures.
The revision changed the date of officer elections to the August meeting during even-numbered years, according to the June 1 meeting’s agenda. The by-law previously set elections for the May meeting during the last year of each biennium.
This revision also changed the date elected officers take office. Officers will now take office Sept. 1 following the election, instead of the Sept. 1 of each new biennium.
The Board of Regents will meet again June 17 at 9 a.m. to discuss budgetary issues.