After hackers broke into the university directory last week, professors around campus began getting notifications that their pages had been hacked and found links alleging that all faculty support abortion.
Campus webmaster Matthew Shirey verified that the database had been hacked and shut down the directory.
“We had to shut them down so that we could clean the system out,” Shirey said. “We went through and removed all of the links and cleaned the problem right up. We had it done by 9:30 p.m. that evening.”
Shirey said he still was unsure of the motivation behind the attack.
“We don’t know why hackers do what they do, they just do it. Different hackers do different things for many different reasons and there’s no way to be sure why they did it this time. It’s going to happen one way or another, all that we can do is try to resolve it,” Shirey said.
Even though there is no way university officials can guarantee block all future attacks, Shirey said they can make it a little bit harder for them to do.
“We’re in the process of redesigning our profile database. We will have a different way of logging in with the campus-wide username and login and hopefully it will make it more difficult for a hacker to do this again,” Shirey said. “With this redesign we will be able to get information out to the public in a different way, and it will just be better in the long run.”
Even though profiles were hacked, the hackers could neither see nor retrieve any information other than the syllabi and information that teachers posted on their profile.
“No need to worry because no Social Security numbers or information was found by the hacker. That information is not kept on the teacher profiles,” Shirey said.