Nearly 300 students, faculty and community members gathered in Akin Auditorium on Sept. 4 to listen to American Idol alum Jason Castro perform in the first Artist Lecture Series of the 2014-2015 year.
“I loved it. I am big Jason Castro fan,” Daniel Alexander, freshman in kinesiology, said. “I have followed his career since he was on American Idol.”
Castro was a contestant on the 2008 season of American Idol. In the early stages of the season he instantly became a judge and fan favorite. He set himself apart from the other contestants by becoming the first American Idol hopeful to play an instrument. Castro’s easy-going persona, smooth vocals and signature dreadlocks helped him land in the top four before being eliminated. Even after falling short of the American Idol title, Castro continued to work toward his dreams and signed with Atlantic Records.
“One of my first managers told me while I was getting ready for a showcase in front of a label, you have to be undeniable,” Castro said. “You have be good enough to where the record executives can’t say no. Those words have always stuck with me through Idol and everything that’s happened since.”
Castro released his self-titled debut album on April 13, 2010, and scored an international hit with his lead single “Let’s Just Fall in Love Again” reaching number one in several countries. Despite his success as a pop artist, Castro wanted to make inspirational music and share his faith as a Christian.
“One of my main goals is for the audience to leave happy,” Castro said. “I want them to have hope and know that there’s a great life ahead of you. I feel like so many of us can get stuck in the struggles of life and I just want make music that helps people escape from that, to connect to other people and realize that there is something greater than our problems.”
Stephanie Portillo, junior in social work, said, “I thought it was wonderful and very touching.”
Castro has consistently toured since his stint on American Idol, released a sophomore album entitled “Only a Mountain,” and can often be seen making cameos in his brother’s YouTube videos. However, there is one thing that has his fans longing for his American Idol glory days, but that is because he shaved off his famous dreadlocks.
“I was missing his dreads,” Ashley Darby, senior in sports leisure studies, said. “But I did enjoy listening to his music. It has a chill vibe. I will check out his music on iTunes.”
Castro was the first of five artists presented by the Artist Lecture Series. The next will be Animal Planet star Jeff Corwin on Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. in Akin Auditorium.