U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), a 2012 vice presidential candidate, came to Wichita Falls Aug. 25 to sign his new book. About 150 people attended the event at Hastings. He was in Oklahoma City earlier in the day and is traveling to Waco, Fort Worth and Dallas as part of the tour.
Why should students vote for you?
“Look at your future, look at the the debt that’s coming at you, look at the economy, look at the job market that you’re coming in to. Look at the debt that our generation is putting on you. Don’t you want us to pay our bills so you can work for your generation? Don’t you want a growing economy, a safe country? That’s why you should vote conservative.”
Would you make any changes in the way colleges are run now?
“We need an accreditation reform, kind of a longer way of saying lets bring more competition to get to the root cause of tuition inflation and make it easier for people to access college in a more affordable way. Let’s bring in new ideas like being able to do more online courses, bundle your package so you can get more online courses from various universities.”
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