Spring break starts this Friday. That means hot beaches, partying and playing in the sand.
Just make sure the partying is under control. As students , we do not only represent ourselves, but we also represent MSU.
Spring break is a time to make great memories, however, some people end up creating regrets as well.
To keep from making horrible regrets, be wise on the judgements you make. Just because your friend can do 10 Jaeger bombs doesn’t mean you should give it a shot.
Drinking too much while on break not only ruins your fun time, it makes your friends hate drinking around you. Don’t be the person drunk and blowing chunks by 8 p.m. Friday night.
If you notice one of your friends has had too much to drink, cut that rookie off and take them home.
Try not to get wrapped up in the excitement on the first night. Budget a fixed amount you will spend each night and your wallet will thank you later. Plus, this helps ensure that you don’t go overboard like your rookie friend slumped over on the couch the first night.
Another thing students need to pay attention to is who their friends are talking with and hanging around.
There are some sketchy people who go out just to take advantage of drunk men and women. Don’t be a victim.
Now, if you are planning on “getting freaky,” use protection. No one wants to come back from break with extra baggage or take an itchy car ride home.
Also, make sure there is consent from both parties. No does mean no, after all.
Whether you’re going on the vacation of a lifetime or just relaxing at home, spring break should be an awesome vacation. Enjoy it, and be safe.
Eddie Miller.