To educate students about the purpose of a sit-in and continuing battles of minorities, the NAACP student chapter will be staging a sit-in Feb. 24 in the Mesquite Café from noon-2 p.m.
Sophomore in Kinesiology Samantha Scott said she plans on being at the sit-in and is looking forward to being one of the many students that attend.
“It’s exciting,” Scott said. “A lot of students won’t even realize they are attending because it being at lunch time in the cafe, but that’s the perfect time.”
Scott added that she is looking forward to seeing the turnout of attenders.
“It’s a neat way to experience and learn about something so significant from the Civil Rights Movement.”
Howard Wilson, a junior in radiology, said he will also be attending.
“For me it will be a good thing because people will be learning about the Civil Rights movement,” he said.
But just learning about the Civil Rights Movement isn’t the only important aspect of this event to Wilson, but also an important step as a nation.
“As a multicultural country,” Wilson said. “It’s important to learn about other culture’s and race’s history to achieve progress as a nation.”