Anastasia Reed – Mass Communication Senior
Why are you running for homecoming?
Homecoming is a tradition I never experienced in high school. I attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. Homecoming and football games were things I never experienced until I came to MSU. Winning homecoming queen would make up for all the homecomings I never had.
Why should students vote for you?
I believe I have made a positive impact at MSU. I have been involved in many organizations on campus, which allowed me to get to know many people and make friendships that will last a lifetime. I am kind, caring and I have a lot of MSU pride.
Terry Dotson – Mass Communication Senior
What is your favorite MSU memory?
My favorite MSU memory is… well I don’t exactly have just one. I remember the day I joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon and being able to meet new friends.
Where do you work and what are your hobbies?
I work at Market Street, the best upscale grocery store in Wichita Falls. I have plenty of hobbies; I like to hangout with friends, workout, sports, eating, bowling, dancing and traveling.
Why should students vote for you?
Students should vote for me for Homecoming King, because I am here for the student body and want to make a significant change with my duties of Homecoming King. If I were me I would choose me too.
Christopher Carter – Sociology Junior
What are your plans after MSU?
I plan on earning my M.A. in Business Administration and my Ph.D. with aspirations of one day becoming a vice president or president of a university.
Who is your favorite MSU professor and how has he/she influenced you?
Dr. Michael Mills – Although I haven’t been a student in one of his classes, I’ve worked for him in MSU housing. He has been my mentor and has taught me a lot about business and life.
Why should students vote for you?
Because I’m nice, and an active student, and I’d look the best in a crown!
Jasmine Ellis – Mass Communication Senior
What is your favorite MSU memory?
I have had almost too many to count, but participating in things like Relay for Life and Caribfest.
Who is your favorite MSU professor and how has he/she influenced you?
Dr. Jim Sernoe – No one else has been as hard on me but genuinely believed in me. Because of him I’m finally on time to work.
Why should students vote for you?
Because I have been involved in MSU Student Development and Greek Life since my freshman year and I take a lot of pride in my school.
Clynt George – Physics and Math Senior
What is your favorite MSU memory?
My favorite MSU memory was last homecoming game when I started the Mexican wave with my CSO family and it spread across almost the entire stadium. Coming from the Caribbean I am unfamiliar with concepts like tailgating and American football as a whole, but I really felt like I was able to find a middle ground during that game. Oh, the members of the CSO were also there blowing conch shells and rooting for the Mustangs. I almost felt like I was back home, watching a cricket match in Grenada.
Why should students vote for you?
Apart from being able to have the pride of wearing the homecoming king title, my unborn son is due on my birthday, Nov. 1, and nothing would make me more proud that to have him born a prince.
Curtis Lester – Geology Senior
Who is your favorite MSU professor and how has he/she influenced you?
I have encountered several great professors here at Midwestern, but there are a select few that have greatly influenced me during my tenure here. They are Dr. Price and Dr. Stephens of the Geology department, as well as Dr. Hallford of the Chemistry department. All have influenced me greatly and I would like to personally thank them.
Why should students vote for you?
I feel like I am the most qualified candidate and leading the student body would be an honor I wouldn’t soon forget.
What are your plans after MSU?
Like most, grad school. I’m hoping to continue on towards my master’s degree in geochemistry at Southern Methodist University.
Linda Watkins – Finance Senior
What is your favorite MSU memory?
My favorite MSU experience was my first football game in 2009. Sure I have watched the sport many times via the television, but never was I afforded the opportunity to sit in the stands, fully captivated, as my school’s team defeated another. Can you say awesome? Through my veins flowed excitement, anticipation and most importantly school pride. Go Mustangs!
Why should students vote for you?
Vote because you believe I’m a reflection of what you see your homecoming queen to be. Vote because I’m easy to talk to, light hearted, and just an average student here at MSU. Vote because you think Linda Watkins is worthy of being your 2011 homecoming queen!
Goddard Williams – Spanish Senior
What is your favorite MSU memory?
My favorite memory has to be the Cardboard Boat Race of 2008. I was surprised by the elaborate designs of some of the boats, given the limited resources which were used to construct them. It was also fun to see some of the not so seaworthy boats capsize in the cold and murky water.
Why are you running for homecoming?
It was an honor to be nominated by my peers and I believe that being a candidate for homecoming is also an excellent opportunity to partake in an MSU tradition.
Photos by Hannah Hofmann
How to Vote:
1) Go to
2) Follow the link “Online Voting” (this site can be found directly under
3) The User ID will be your Mustangs Number and the password is your firstname.lastname.birthday (for example john.miller.0825)
4) Find your favorite candidates and submit your vote. Voting will end on Friday.