The Caribbean Student Organization races to the finish line


Kayla Le

Mechanical engineering junior Jabez Mackey, radiology junior Ebany Hanna and mechanical engineering junior Miguel Bethel turn around the Caribbean Student Organization boat before finishing first in the Cardboard Boat Race, Oct. 29.

In MSU homecoming tradition, the annual boat race took place at Sikes Lake Friday, Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. The boats are created by the organizations participating by just using cardboard and duct tape. After the construction of the boats, each organization/team chooses two people to actually compete in the race, hoping to row into first place. The Caribbean Student Organization was able to win first place. Jabez Mackey, mechanical engineering sophomore, was in the boat, but initially he was scared.

“Honestly, I was scared. because it was cold and windy like it has been lately, but once we got in and stabilized, we made some good movements,” Mackey said.

Mackey says the team was all about teamwork and required rhythm. Once in motion, they were able to row smoothly and get across.

“You know, we are all about teamwork and once we got the rhythm down, we were able to row and go fly across,” Mackey said.

Mackey did not anticipate being able to make it as far as they did. He definitely wasn’t expecting to get first place.

“We sunk last year, and I was totally ready to sink this year but this year we definitely made improvements and were able to make it…the construction of the boat took roughly two weeks, a week and a half for construction than the rest for decorating. Our boat held three people so we had to use more cardboard, there’s a lot that goes into it than just making a box,” Mackey said.