Amnesty International spreads awareness of human rights and social justice

Amnesty’s mission is to bring awareness of the injustices happening around the world and help make an impact.

March 3, 2020

The Amnesty International campus chapter focuses on spreading awareness of human rights and social justice throughout campus. 

“Amnesty International is the largest human rights organization in the entire world; it is an international non-governmental organization. It has offices from more than 50 countries [and locations]; one of them includes New York,” Herbert McCullough, political science graduate, and student adviser, said. “The overall goal of Amnesty is to promote human rights.”

Although Amnesty International was active during the ’90s on campus, in the early two-thousands, it fizzled out. It was not until 2016 that the organization was revived with McCullough being one of the first members. Since then, the organization has become involved within the campus through events done over the years. 

Amnesty International
Amnesty International – MSU Texa
A student signs an Amnesty International petition to end child detention centers. Oct. 16.

“We’ve done different political demonstrations across campus, also peaceful protest,” Katherine Kurylas, senator and political science freshman, said. “Last semester we protested the child detention center at the border and made a replica of the cage and the foil blankets. We had it set up in the atrium for a day or two and people could come up to read cards and get informed on what’s going on. We also did a campaign called write for rights; people got to come and write letters to foreign governments that are committing human rights violations. Those letters are sent to those governments as a form of protest.”

Amnesty International has done all these activities for students to become aware of the world around them. Its members want to make a positive impact on the world. Amnesty is not stopping anytime soon; it has plans for the future that will impact not only the world but MSU as well.

“[We have] refugee constitution resolution happening right now where we are trying to make MSU the second university here in Texas that is welcoming refugees,” Guadalupe Gamiz, secretary and social work junior, said.

Amnesty has become involved with the campus through its peaceful protest and has plans to further their involvement. Amnesty celebrates the differences within MSU and promotes the rights of others both in and out of campus.

Amnesty International
Amnesty International – MSU Texa
Amnesty International set up a booth for students, faculty, and staff to sign a petition on ending child detention centers. Oct. 16.

“[Our purpose] is being a voice in terms of the promotion of human rights and social justice. Before amnesty international there wasn’t really, necessarily, many organizations that conducted issues of human rights and social justice,” McCullough said. “Amnesty International is one of the few organizations that promote human rights and social justice that is primarily inclusive to everybody.”

This organization is one that creates change in the right direction on campus. It is an organization that is important on campus for students and their rights.

“Amnesty, in general, is important here at MSU, because MSU is a very diverse place so you always want to make sure the voices of others are being heard,” Gamiz said. “[Amnesty International] makes sure that the students know there is someone on campus that is listening to them.” 

Amnesty’s mission is to bring awareness of the injustices happening around the world and help make an impact through peaceful protest. This is an organization for students that want to create a change and help others. 

“Everyone in this country to a certain extent is more fortunate than a lot of other people, so it doesn’t take much to help others that are in less fortunate situations than you are,” Kurylas said. “Whether it is coming to a write-for-rights thing where you are just writing a letter to a foreign government, it doesn’t take much to help make an impact.”

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